September 01, 2017

We know students, faculty, and staff are busy during the summer. Many leave in May for far-flung corners to conduct research, take courses, do internships, and explore summer jobs. Hopefully there's a little fun and rest in there somewhere. But if you did venture far from campus this summer, you might be surprised to learn just how busy WPI is after the residence halls close in May.

We will catch you up here—take a peek at the many summer activities at WPI. From international scholars and educators attending conferences to elementary schoolchildren learning about STEM in our summer camps, the campus was hopping with activity. And thanks to the magic of our facilities crew, the campus shined—showing off manicured lawns, flowers blooming in every corner, and buildings that never saw a slow day. As busy as the summer was, we missed you. Welcome back!


We walked on the wild side as TouchTomorrow attracted nearly 10,000 people—its biggest crowd ever.