Our word of the month? “New.” New campus updates, new classes, new students—see how August played out through the lenses of our talented staff photographers with the latest Month in Photos.

The Month in Photos: August 2019

Just because classes weren’t in session didn’t mean the campus was quiet. Hundreds of kids from all over joined us to participate in camps focused on everything from robotics and video games to sports and physics.

Still trying to narrow down a major? With the addition of an undergraduate degree in data science, WPI became one of only a handful of schools in the nation to offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in this rapidly growing field.

You know how nobody knows the exact number of pi? Well, the same can be said for the amount of students, faculty, and staff who welcomed over 1,000 new students to campus for move-in day on Sunday, August 18.
If we had to guess, though? It was a lot.

We love a good glow-up as much as the next person, and campus had one of its own while the students were away. Check out how things have changed.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs hosted welcome events for female students, students of color, and LGBTQIA+ students.

The seniors on the women's soccer team were all business as they gathered for a photo on the annual Media Day.

Who said college isn’t just all fun and games? (Okay, okay, maybe it’s not, but with over 230 clubs and organizations to choose from, it’s definitely not all classes and labs, either.)

New students took a break from the whirlwind of NSO for some Mario Kart inside the Foisie Innovation Studio, making Rainbow Road look easy.

Who’s got ice cream, striped beanies, and freshly printed Tech Bibles? These new undergrads! They closed out NSO with the renowned Earle Bridge crossing tradition.

Associate professor of mathematical sciences, computer science, and data science Randy Paffenroth is combining cutting-edge machine learning with 19th-century math to make NASA spacecraft lighter and more damage tolerant. Talk about "back to the future."

Graduate students participated in a bridge crossing of their own, enjoying the welcomes from humans and goats alike as they kicked off their WPI journeys.

It didn't take long for the men's soccer team to get back in the swing of things—they kicked off the season with a 4-0 win over Worcester State.

What’s the weather like up there?

They’re not just published authors, junior Olympians, and Rubik’s Cube masters—they’re also crazy coordinated. WPI, meet the Class of 2023.