Experts on autonomy

Technology that can work with autonomy, or without human intervention or control, is playing an increasingly important role in a number of fields, including transportation, medicine, and manufacturing. WPI experts on autonomy include engineers and scientists who conduct research on a wide range of topics connected with autonomous systems, including the use of autonomous robots in surgery and medical imaging, and in space exploration; the importance of intravehicular communications in the success of autonomous vehicles; human interaction with autonomous systems, and even the use of autonomy in music performance.

Scott D Barton
  • Associate Professor Humanities & Arts
Professor Barton composes and performs electro acoustic music, designs and builds robots, and conducts psychological research. ... View Profile
Gregory S. Fischer
  • Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Fischer develops surgical robotics, including MRI-compatible robotic devices for enhancing cancer diagnosis, add intelligent automation to telesurgery, and develop assistive robotics, including socially assistive robots and wearable physically ... View Profile
Lee Moradi
  • Professor of Practice Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Lee Moradi is an expert on autonomous vehicles. ... View Profile
Cagdas Onal
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Onal conducts research in soft robotics, a largely underexplored area of robotics that has significance in medicine, manufacturing, and disaster response. ... View Profile
Carlo Pinciroli
  • Associate Professor/Graduate Coordinator Robotics Engineering
Professor Pinciroli's research focuses on designing innovative tools for swarm robotics. ... View Profile
Erin Solovey
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Much of Professor Solovey's work explores effective human interaction with complex and autonomous systems and vehicles. ... View Profile
Alexander Wyglinski
  • Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Wyglinski's work focuses on devising new, reliable, and robust wireless communications using artificial intelligence and machine learning.Given society's growing reliance on wireless connectivity, it is important that wireless communications a ... View Profile
Haichong Zhang
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Zhang is the founding director of the Medical Frontier Ultrasound Imaging and Robotic Instrumentation (Medical FUSION) Laboratory. ... View Profile