Experts on 3D printing

3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) is a way of constructing three-dimensional objects from CAD (computer-aided design) files or other types of computer models. Many 3D-printers build up objects by depositing successive layers of polymer, though 3D-printing with metals (a form of advanced manufacturing) is an emerging field with the potential to transform how many products are made and repaired. WPI experts on 3D-printing can discuss how 3D printing is used in the production of robots and medical devices, and how 3D printing with metal can be used to repair parts or build new ones, even on the battlefield, among other topics.

Danielle Lynn Cote
  • Associate Professor Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Professor Cote is in the Materials Science & Engineering Program with research focused on solid state additive manufacturing (AM) processes, particularly cold spray processing and wire arc AM. ... View Profile
Gregory S. Fischer
  • Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Fischer develops surgical robotics, including MRI-compatible robotic devices for enhancing cancer diagnosis, add intelligent automation to telesurgery, and develop assistive robotics, including socially assistive robots and wearable physically ... View Profile
Sneha Prabha Narra
  • Sponsored Guest Mechanical & Materials Engineering
As a researcher in the field of Additive Manufacturing (AM), Professor Narra explores novel applications in metal AM by utilizing multidisciplinary knowledge from mechanical engineering, materials science, and manufacturing. ... View Profile
Cagdas Onal
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Onal conducts research in soft robotics, a largely underexplored area of robotics that has significance in medicine, manufacturing, and disaster response. ... View Profile
Gillian Smith
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Smith is an award-winning game designer. ... View Profile
Haichong Zhang
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Zhang is the founding director of the Medical Frontier Ultrasound Imaging and Robotic Instrumentation (Medical FUSION) Laboratory. ... View Profile