In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


New Food Economy (the)

Glenn Gaudette, professor of biomedical engineering, was interviewed by New Food Economy for this article, a look at efforts to develop alternative food sources in the future.

Worcester Magazine

Worcester Magazine sought the art insight of humanities and arts instructor James Dempsey for the article, which details works by Worcester’s Scofield Thayer on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dempsey authored “The Tortured life of Scofield Thayer,” and co-wrote the exhibition catalog.


Worcester Business Journal

Worcester Business Journal reported on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) awarding WPI nearly $600,000 to support the university’s growing nuclear science and engineering undergraduate and graduate programs.

WPI leads off the Telegram & Gazette’s College Town this week with a feature on professor Susan Roberts, head of the chemical engineering department. She developed a genetic engineering technique that could speed up manufacturing of a widely used cancer drug and lower its production costs, the T&G reported. 

Vineyard Gazette

The Vineyard Gazette included WPI wildlife research in its article. “Marja Bakermans, a researcher at WPI who focuses on migratory songbirds, began a study last year where she outfitted whippoorwills with geolocator backpacks to track the exact spots where the birds winter,” the Gazette reported.

Bloomberg Businessweek

President Laurie Leshin was quoted in this Bloomberg Businessweek article. Looking back, then-President Bill Clinton’s decision to explore Mars “cemented NASA’s commitment to search-for-life research and made it appealing in a whole new way,” said Leshin, who the article noted is also a co-investigator on CAESAR (comet astrobiology exploration sample return).

NBC Boston

WPI Men’s Basketball announced its top draft pick for the season: the “Fist Bump Kid!” NBC10 Boston reported that Liam Fitzgerald, who became known as the “fist bump kid” after a video from a Boston Bruins game went viral, was “signed” by the WPI's men's basketball team, thanks to Team IMPACT. “WPI has a long history of signing Team IMPACT athletes to its teams, most recently in football, baseball, and women’s softball,” NBC10 reported. Team IMPACT connects children facing serious or chronic illnesses with college athletic teams.

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal quoted Associate Professor Craig Shue, computer science, in this article. The census “is a treasure trove of information for nation-state hackers [because] it hopefully will have information about every American,” Shue told The Journal.

Lifehacker interviewed robotics engineering research professor, Candace Sidner, for this article. Sidner offered insight into why voice assistants can sometimes be frustrating. “They are essentially programmed to do certain kinds of things, so they are breaking down utterances presented to them and then doing a search on the web.” 

Quartz at Work

Quartz at Work featured the article “Daughters of Working Mothers Grow Up to Be Just as Happy as Those of Stay-at-Home Moms,” which included research by Assistant Professor Elizabeth Long Lingo, Foisie Business School. 

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on the genetic engineering work by Susan Roberts, department head and professor of chemical engineering, which aims to double the product of paclitaxel, an ingredient in the world's best-selling cancer drug. 


Yan Wang, professor of mechanical engineering, was interviewed for the Forbes article. Noted as an academic working on the problem of recycling li-ion batteries, Wang says “Battery Resourcers (a company he founded) has developed a process for recovering cathode materials like cobalt, as well as aluminum, copper, plastics, graphite, methanol and other chemicals used in the recycling process.” 

Worcester Business Journal

President Laurie Leshin has been named to the Worcester Business Journal’s "The Power 50," its annual list of the most powerful people in the Central Massachusetts business community. The WBJ writes “When we seek to create this list every year, we focus on the people who use their positions to have an outsized influence on the business community. We want to tell the story of a changing region and economy through the people creating that change.” The annual list section also includes a brief article on each nominee; here is a link to President Leshin’s page.


Bloomberg Business News radio interviewed Stephen Flavin, vice president of academic and corporate engagement, and MassEcon board chair. Asked about Amazon’s future HQ2, Flavin said, “It’s all about creating the talent and supporting the jobs, and WPI is clearly positioned to contribute to that; we’ve been a strong partner of Amazon and Amazon robotics for many years.” (Fast forward to 50:45.)

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal interviewed Rob Krueger, associate professor of social science & policy studies, about why the city of Worcester seems to no longer construct skyscrapers. Towers are often built for two main reasons, Krueger noted: land values are high, or a builder or owner wants to spend the money. 


CNBC’s Nightly Business Report interviewed vice president for information technology Patricia Patria for a story about bitcoin mining on campuses.


Newsweek interviewed professor Albert Simeoni, fire protection engineering, for this article. “You can start a wildfire with a spark that can grow out of control in less than 30 seconds,” Simeoni said, adding that while you can start a wildfire in other ways, such as with a simple cigarette or match, “here you have matches or a lighter on steroids.”

WBUR 90.9

WBUR reported on research by Marsha Rolle, associate professor of biomedical engineering, spoke to WBUR about her work to develop self-assembling human blood vessels that exhibit the symptoms of common cardiovascular conditions. The engineered blood vessels may give scientists a better way to test the effectiveness of new medications.

The Telegram & Gazette reported on associate professor Adrienne Hall-Phillips of the Foisie Business School being a key player in getting the first Central Massachusetts chapter of The Links, Incorporated, a historic international association of black women. Arts & Humanities Dean Jean King is also a photographed in the article.


Emmanuel Agu, associate professor of computer science, was interviewed by the BBC regarding his smartphone app that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze a user’s walking pattern to detect alcohol impairment. Uber is seeking to develop an app to allow drivers to gauge passenger’s sobriety.