In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal published an article by Bonnie J. Walker, executive director of diversity and inclusion strategy, in its “Know How” section.

WBZ News Radio 1030

WBZ radio posted a story and aired a two-minute segment about research being done by Alexander Wyglinski, WPI professor of electrical engineering and robotics engineering, on AI in space communications.

WBUR 90.9

Renata Konrad spoke to WBUR's Morning Edition about work funded by the National Science Foundation using analytical tools to help aid agencies disrupt human trafficking networks.

Worcester News Tonight

Charter TV3 Worcester News Tonight is the latest media outlet to report on a WPI alumni-led team winning the 2018 BattleBots World Championship. The station aired an interview with Bite Force team captain Paul Ventimiglia ’12. 

Chemical and Engineering News

Chemical and Engineering News quoted Nancy A. Burnham, associate professor, physics and biomedical engineering, in this article.

WBUR 90.9

WPI professor Alex Wyglinski is interviewed on WBUR radio discussing how WPI is using the International Space Station as a testbed for space communications. 


WalletHub spoke to Roger Gottlieb, professor of philosophy, about the many financial and physical challenges faced by people living with disabilities for a story about the “2018 Best and Worst Cities for People with Disabilities.”

Diversity in Action

WPI’s ongoing efforts to prepare students for an increasingly diverse workforce were highlighted in this Diversity in Action article. “Researchers will teach WPI students how to identify and address bias and work in groups in ways that promote equity,” the article stated.

Paris Match

Professor Pam Weathers, biology and biotechnology, was interviewed for this Paris Match article. “Convinced that Artemisia is a therapeutic path adapted to developing countries, the American biologist is studying the action of an oral treatment that she developed in 2008,” Paris Match stated.

Boston 25

Boston 25 visits WPI’s Fire Protection Engineering lab to see how researchers are using a new wind tunnel to better understand how wildfires spread.

Inside Higher ED

Andrew B. Palumbo, dean of admissions and financial aid, was interviewed for this Inside Higher Ed. article. Palumbo said test-optional policies shouldn't be viewed in isolation but as part of a commitment to help those admitted. “To me this says that WPI takes a chance on students and they may struggle, but we are a great environment for those students.”

Worcester News Tonight

Channel 3 aired a story about DARPA funded work by computer science professors Emmanuel Agu and Elke Rundensteiner to develop a smartphone app to help assess the health of soldiers.

Boston Globe

A photo of President Laurie Leshin and other current and former presidents of private Mass. colleges accompanied The Boston Globe article, which noted, in comparison, that nearly half of all private college presidents in Mass. are women.

WPI leads off this week’s Telegram & Gazette’s College Town featuring Officer Robert Vandal, who received the Dr. Robert L. Burns Award. It’s a biennial award given to a fraternity advisor who increases and supports scholarship and/or enhances university relations, and who has a close relationship with his campus chapter. 

Worcester News Tonight

WPI’s wildfire research was featured on Channel 3 in a story about tests conducted in a state-of-the-art wind tunnel at the university’s Fire Protection Engineering lab. Professor Albert Simeoni, fire protection engineering interim department head, says the work will help researchers better understand and predict flame spread during wildfires. 

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on work by computer science professors Emmanuel Agu and Elke Rundensteiner to develop a smartphone app to help assess the health of soldiers. 

U.S Department of Energy

The Department of Energy's Office of Science kicked off National Clean Energy Week by highlighting research conducted by Mike Timko, associate professor of chemical engineering, on their home page. Through his research, Timko is aiming to greatly improve the yield of oil from the waste food conversion process while also improving efficiencies.

College Factual

College Factual has ranked WPI as the 2nd best school to study Computer Science in the United States in their 2019 rankings.

This article featured the news that computer science assistant professor Jacob Whitehill and his colleagues received a $750,000 from the National Science Foundation to develop a platform that will combine machine learning, natural language processing, and elements of psychology and educational theory to deliver rapid feedback on teacher-student interactions. 

Inside Higher ED

Librarian Anna Gold and Lori Ostapowicz-Critz, associate director for library academic strategies, told Inside Higher Ed about Gordon Library creating the first digital scholarship lab in this article.