In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


Spectrum News 1

Spectrum News 1 interviewed Emmanuel Agu, professor of computer science, about an app he and his team are developing that will use photographs, thermal imaging, and artificial intelligence to assess severe chronic wounds.

The Register

Alex Wyglinski, associate dean for graduate studies and electrical and computer engineering professor, recently talked with The Register about whether Waymo and other self-driving vehicle operations are ready for prime time.

Spectrum News 1

Spectrum News 1 spoke with WPI staff and faculty with roots in Turkey about a fundraising effort for earthquake relief that has so far netted more than $12,000.

Spectrum News 1

Spectrum News 1 spoke with Jeannine Coburn, assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, about her $600,000 National Science Foundation CAREER Award to develop a transparent wound dressing that traces its origins to her homemade kombucha. Spectrum 1’s Louisville, Ky., outlet also featured Coburn’s research.

Medill on the Hill

Kenny Ching, assistant professor at the Business School, talked with Medill News Service in Washington, D.C., about what to worry about—and what not to worry about—when it comes to the ChatGPT artificial intelligence platform.


Health IT Analytics

Health It Analytics, Spectrum News 1, Worcester Business Journal, Science Beta, and Indian Practitioner all covered the collaborative research effort between WPI and McLean Hospital that used artificial intelligence to identify key warning signs of suicide in women.

Trail Runner Magazine

When ultramarathoner Camille Herron took to social media saying long runs are overrated, Trailblazer Magazine turned to WPI biomedical engineering professor Karen Troy to get a scientific understanding of how much stress bones can handle due to long distance running.

Reporters from the Telegram & Gazette, Spectrum News 1, GBH radio, and the Worcester Business Journal covered the opening of the Center for Well-Being, a groundbreaking model of wellness programming and support for the campus community.

Spectrum News 1

Kola Akindele, associate vice president for external relations and partnerships, talked with Spectrum News 1 about Worcester’s ranking in the top 20 STEM-friendly communities in the nation according to a recent WalletHub study.

Worcester Magazine

Sandhya Balasubramanian. Executive director of the Business School, was recognized by Worcester Magazine as one of 20 “Women to Watch” in 2023.

Los Angeles Magazine

Alex Wyglinski, associate dean for graduate studies and electrical and computer engineering professor, recently talked with LA Magazine about the promise of connected and autonomous vehicles, or CAVs.

Boston Business Journal

The Boston Business Journal spoke with Jagan Jayachandran, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and Adam Powell, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering about their research to develop a net-zero aviation fuel made with magnesium.


Angela Incollingo Rodriguez, Assistant Professor of Psychological & Cognitive Sciences and Neuroscience, spoke with the Southern California NPR station KPCC about weight stigma before and after pregnancy, and its relationship to postpartum depression and social media.


TechXplore featured the research of Robotics Engineering Assistant Teaching Professor Andre Rosendo. Along with student Ruixiang Cao, Rosendo created a robot that can seamlessly change its wheels to legs and back again. The development allows the robot to navigate uneven terrain, or climb stairs.


WBUR 90.9

WBUR spoke with The Business School Professor of Practice Rob Sarnie about how the collapse of FTX could affect the blockchain industry in Massachusetts.

The New York Times

Alexander Wyglinski, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Electrical & Computer Engineering Professor, spoke with The New York Times about the new 5G towers that are being built across New York City. Professor Wyglinski talked about how the technology works and how it will enable the proliferation of 5G technology.

The New York Times

The New York Times spoke with Fred Bianchi, director of the Glacier National Park project center, about a new report from UNESCO that warns the world’s glaciers are disappearing. Professor Bianchi talked about the report’s potential effects on tourism, and the steps the park is taking to try to protect the glaciers.

MassNonprofit News

MassNonprofit News covered new, National Science Foundation-funded research being conducted by Andrew Trapp, Yunus Telliel, and Sarah Stanlick to create a digital tool to help nonprofits find and exchange resources, and ultimately build a collaborative community of organizations.

Spectrum News 1

Benjamin Nephew, assistant research professor of biology and biotechnology, talked with Spectrum News 1 about the science of addiction ahead of a $1 billion-plus Powerball lottery drawing.


Worcester Business Journal

William Smith Foundation Dean's Professor of Mechanical Engineering Yan Wang spoke with The Worcester Business Journal about his research and forward thinking on recycling lithium-ion batteries. The WBJ also spoke to Wang about the recycling process and how central Massachusetts is becoming a hub for battery research and commercialization.