In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


The Pike 100 FM

Gillian Smith, associate professor of computer science and director of the Interactive Media and Game Development, talked about the dangers of, and misconceptions about, artificial intelligence and platforms like ChatGPT with 100FM The Pike radio.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal covered the new partnership between WPI and the emerging Nigerian University of Technology and Management.

WBUR 90.9

Dean of Arts and Sciences Jean King discusses diversifying STEM fields, building more mentorship opportunities on WBUR

Worcester Business Journal

The Rev. Dr. Debora Jackson, dean of the Business School, was named to the 2023 Worcester Business Journal Power 50, an annual story that highlights influential local leaders in various sectors, from government to industry to education.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on 360energy, a startup formed between WPI and Clark students to provide rural areas inexpensive, reliable sources of electricity.

Boston Globe

The Boston Globe interviewed Gillian Smith for an article on the impact of ChatGPT on higher education.

Food Navigator USA

Food Navigator USA, a publication that focuses on news and analysis on food and beverage development and technology, posted an article about Business School professor Purvi Shah’s research on nostalgic brand love. 

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal interviewed Elke Rundensteiner, professor of computer science and founding director in data science, about how artificial intelligence is changing healthcare. and the Worcester Business Journal wrote about how Kris Billiar, professor and head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, received a $430,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to study how cells move and behave in tissue-engineered heart valves.

Worcester Business Journal

Worcester Business Journal named Yan Wang, William Smith Foundation Dean’s Professor of Mechanical Engineering, a “manufacturing champion” as part of its annual Manufacturing Excellence Awards.

Spectrum News 1

Spectrum News 1,, and covered the publication of a new paper by Dmitry Korkin, Harold L. Jurist ’61 and Heather E. Jurist Dean’s Professor of Computer Science, that reveals new details about the outer shell of the SARS-COV-2 virus particle.

Christopher Brown, professor of materials and mechanical engineering who teaches a course on the technology of alpine skiing, talked with the Telegram & Gazette about ski trail safety in the wake of a recent tragedy on Wachusett Mountain.

NBC Boston

NBC Boston featured WPI’s new Center for Well-Being and the university’s overall efforts to infuse health and wellness across campus. Dean of Student Wellness Charlie Morse and Director of the Center for Well-Being Paula Fitzpatrick discussed the multi-year effort and multi-faceted approach to these initiatives.

Future Flight

Future Flight, Flight Global, and the Worcester Business Journal wrote about the partnership between WPI and Honeywell Aerospace to examine the possibility of using hydrogen to power aviation into the future.

WBUR 90.9

Business School Dean Debora Jackson joined host Tiziana Dearing, Simmons University President Lynn Perry Wooten and Roxbury Community College interim President Jackie Jenkins-Scott for a live roundtable discussion on Radio Boston. The three women of color who are leaders at educational institutions in Massachusetts discussed their experiences, their work and the future of higher education.

The Hill

Yan Wang, William Smith Foundation dean’s professor of Mechanical & Materials Engineering contributed an opinion piece to The Hill “Battery recycling is key to a clean future." Wang writes increased investment in Recycling processes is paying off but emphasized the need for better public awareness about the importance of battery recycling and how it can offset the need for new mineral extraction or battery production.

The Telegram & Gazette interviewed Harold L. Jurist ’61 and Heather E. Jurist Dean’s Professor of Computer Science Emmanuel Agu about his team’s National Institutes of Health grant to develop an app for health care workers to better assess chronic wounds.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal spoke with Ken Dwyer, manager of WPI’s CERES lab, and Eric Young, assistant professor of chemical engineering, about the lab’s role helping startups succeed in the local biotech ecosystem.

Recycling Today

Recycling Today published an article about WPI’s research that supports military defense materials supply. The development of new technologies could recapture critical materials can be reused by soldiers in the field.


The science magazine Nautilus talked with Dmitry Korkin, Harold L. Jurist ’61 and Heather E. Jurist Dean’s Professor of computer science about his role in developing a “periodic table” of structural elements that make up the COVID-19 virus, and how it led a Scottish artist Angela Palmer to create a sculptural model of the virus first displayed at the Oxford Museum of Natural History.