In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


The Circuit News

Yan Wang, the William B. Smith Professor of Mechanical Engineering has developed an innovative lithium-ion battery recycling technique. His work is featured in this report by The Circuit News about National Science Foundation-funded research.


Craig Shue, professor and head of the Computer Science Department, provided analysis for this article in on the potential for and challenges of all-in-one mobile apps for use by businesses.

Research Professional News

“'We are excited to have professor Romain Murenzi join the WPI family,' said Douglas Petkie, department head and professor of physics." Murenzi comes to WPI from a leadership role at The World Academy of Sciences.

Spectrum News 1

A group of students will participate in COP 28 in the United Arab Emirates. The students include a Fulbright scholar in the Master's in Community Climate Adaptation program, a biomedical engineering major, and a computer science major in the Teacher Preparation Program.

Worcester Business Journal

The pathway to a PhD may not be the route you expect. Alexander Wyglinski, associate dean of graduate studies, explains in this Worcester Business Journal piece why you don’t need to quit your job to earn a PhD. WPI’s Experiential PhD is one example of the ways in which PhD education has evolved. 

Inside Supply Management Weekly

The White House has announced new strategies aimed at strengthening supply chains in the U.S. Professor of management Joseph Sarkis was interviewed by Inside Supply Management Weekly about the new steps and how supply chains affect consumer prices and product availability.

USA Today

Professor of marketing Farnoush Reshadi shared her expertise on personal finance and gift giving with USA Today for this article on how to keep to a budget during the holiday season and how to be a better gift giver.

Russian Television International

Computer Science professor of teaching Rodica Neamtu spoke live with Russian Television International about the ethical concerns surrounding artificial intelligence and the boardroom shakeup and ouster of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

Spectrum News 1

Spectrum News 1 Worcester interviewed Associate Professor Ulkuhan Guler, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, on research she is leading to develop a first-of-its-kind wearable sensor for premature infants that will address racial bias in healthcare by monitoring oxygen levels two different ways and correcting the measurements to account for variations in skin color.

Worcester Business Journal

The National Institutes of Health have awarded $1.1 million to a research project led by electrical & computer engineering professor Ulkuhan Guler. The goal is to address racial bias in care for premature infants.

Booked on Planning

The Global School Dean Mimi Sheller discusses the history of, trends in, and her research on mobility justice in Booked on Planning, a podcast from the Nebraska Chapter of the American Planning Association. The interview focuses on the concepts explored in Sheller’s book Mobility Justice: the Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes.

Spectrum News 1

With bee populations under threat, robotics engineering professor Nitin Sanket is exploring the use of a drone to keep pollination going.



Robotics engineering professor Nitin Sanket is working to develop a drone-based solution to the population decline of pollinating species around the world. 


Humanities and Arts assistant professor David Ibbett was interviewed for Working Scientist, a Nature Careers podcast. In it, Ibbett, who is composer and director of the Multiverse Concert Series, explains how he collaborates with scientists to create shows that blend scientific talks with music and dance to help answer the question: what does science sound like?

Spectrum News 1

Fraternity continues a nearly 30 year tradition of participating in effort to help provide meals for families in need.

Spectrum News 1

Rodica Neamtu, professor of teaching in computer science, spoke with Spectrum News 1 about President Biden's new executive order on AI safeguards. 


"What we wanted to know was if we could make the process much more efficient by using the plastic itself to fuel the cleanup process." GBH News’ All Things Considered spoke with chemical engineering professor Michael Timko about his research with professor Nikolaos Kazantzis to turn plastic into fuel to improve ocean cleanup.

Worcester Business Journal

WPI is highlighted as one of the major forces behind developing a bioindustrial manufacturing hub in Central Massachusetts. Eric Young, assistant professor of chemical engineering told the Worcester Business Journal “We can leverage what Massachusetts is great at, and map it to a broader bioindustrial landscape. We can use the strong base we already have, and add in a few extra pieces.” 

Boston 25

Milosh Puchovsky, associate head of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering, provided analysis for this Boston 25 News report on the challenging dynamics of electric vehicle fires.

Yahoo! News

“This research shows that recycled materials can electrochemically match or outperform pristine, state-of-the-art cathode materials from tier 1 suppliers.” Yan Wang, William B. Smith Professor of Mechanical Engineering, explains the findings of a study he contributed to which found robust performance potential for recycled lithium-ion batteries.