In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


WBUR 90.9

This morning, WBUR featured an interview with Angela C. Incollingo Rodriguez, assistant professor of psychology, on her research - the first such study of its kind - into the impact of weight stigma on pregnant and postpartum women. 

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal featured results of a newly published academic paper in MIS Quarterly Executive by Eleanor Loiacono, professor in the Foisie Business School and director of the IDEA Hub, and Huimin Ren, a PhD student in the Data Science Program. 

Worcester News Tonight

Worcester News Tonight stopped by campus to cover "Introduce a Girl to Engineering," an event held at WPI during Engineers Week.  For over two hours, third, fourth, and fifth graders from the Worcester area participated in fun, interactive STEM activities, like building "scribble bots," building a balloon rocket, and creating a water filtration system. (Clips starts at 9:49)

New England Real Estate Journal

WPI’s Foisie Innovation Studio and Messenger Residence Hall was featured in the New England Real Estate Journal.

The Catholic Free Press

The Catholic Free Press noted Father Hugo A. Cano, Catholic Campus Minister at WPI accompanying the Newman Club as their Religious Advisor, as one of four diocesan priests who visited the U.S.-Mexican border to observe Catholic Church ministries serving migrants on both sides of the border.

This week’s College Town in the Telegram & Gazette led off with Gregory Fischer, William Smith Dean’s Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Engineering, being elected a senior member of the National Academy of Inventors. The article noted some of Fischer’s work, including development of an MRI-compatible robotic system, which will enable more effective treatment of metastatic brain tumors.


Newsday quoted Professor Harold Walker, civil and environmental engineering, in the article, “Water Providers Put Cost for 1,4-Dioxane Treatment Systems at $840M”   

Associated Press

WPI’s general counsel was interviewed for this article. David Bunis told The Associated Press there’s concern that newly proposed regulations might “strictly” limit the jurisdiction of the university when investigating certain incidents.  

The New York Times Magazine

The New York Times Magazine interviewed Jennifer Wilcox, the James H. Manning Professor of Chemical Engineering and internationally renowned expert on capturing and storing carbon dioxide, for the article, “The Tiny Swiss Company That Thinks It Can Help Stop Climate Change.” The process of so-called air capture of carbon dioxide could help counter the impact of several vital industries, Wilcox told The Times.

The Telegram & Gazette talked to Brajendra Mishra, the Kenneth G. Merriam Professor of mechanical engineering, about the tariffs that are hitting recycling businesses and consumers hard, and putting a strain on the industry. “In cases where recycling is not profitable, like glass and paper, the government should step up and provide subsidies in those areas," Mishra told the Telegram & Gazette. "Like the subsidy we provide for solar panels because we know it is good for the environment.”


WCVB's The Cutting Edge covered WPI's sports shoe sole, which was designed by Chris Brown, professor of mechanical engineering, and a team of students, to reduce the incidence of non-contact knee and ankle injuries in organized sports.

Natural History

Natural History magazine published an article, "The Chemistry of Fear," which featured work by Jagan Srinivasan, associate professor of biology and biotechnology, on how animals utilize signaling in their “fight or flight” response to predators.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on Boston Scientific joining PracticePoint, a membership-based research and development and commercialization alliance founded by WPI to advance healthcare and patient wellness technologies through accelerating development of medical cyber-physical systems.

Worcester News Tonight

Channel 3 “Worcester News Tonight” aired an interview with Erin Solovey, associate professor of computer science, about her NSF-funded research. Solovey is leading a team of researchers in developing a new program combining computer science and neuroscience tools to study online learning.

Associated Press

The Associated Press interviewed Associate Research Engineer Dr. Marco Kaltofen, nuclear science and engineering, for this article. He explained how mining contaminants can become airborne if floodwaters deposit them on a riverbank, where they can dry out and blow away.

The Telegram & Gazette talked to John Goulet, teaching professor of Mathematical Sciences and Coordinator, Master of Mathematics for Educators Program, and Kristin Tichenor, senior vice president of Undergraduate Admissions, about WPI's reduction in its Mathematics for Educators degree program, which aims to reverse declining enrollment in the program.

The T&G's College Town reported on work by Craig Shue, associate professor of computer science, to develop "containerization" technology, to prevent a malware attack via commercial websites. Shue received a three-year grant from the National Science foundation for this work. 


NPR interviewed Pamela Weathers, professor of biology and biotechnology, about the benefits of using a tea infused with plant Artemesia annua to treat and cure the parasitic disease schistosomiasis. Artemesia annua is easily grown in Africa, where the illness is more common.


Glenn Gaudette, the William Smith Dean’s Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Value Creation Initiative, was quoted in a Forbes article about the importance of training engineering students to think entrepreneurially. The article focused on the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN), of which WPI is a member.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported that Battery Resourcers, a lithium battery recycling company developed by Yan Wang, the William Smith Foundation Dean’s Professor, and colleagues, received a $174,000 grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.