In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.

Considered one of the world’s foremost academic authorities on Jimi Hendrix, humanities professor Joel Brattin was featured in this Telegram & Gazette article. “All told, Brattin finds the album to be something of a treasure trove and a good reminder as to why Hendrix’s work is still so popular and influential today,” the T&G stated.

Worcester Business Journal

Stating that President Laurie Leshin has raised the profile of WPI “significantly,” the WBJ  published this story in its Business Leader of the Year section.  “Under Leshin, WPI has made an aggressive push into Boston's hotbed of tech companies, innovation and young talent,” the WBJ reported. “It is WPI, not Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, that has a classroom and collaboration space in the Seaport.”

The Washington Post

Andrew Palumbo, dean of admissions and financial aid, was interviewed for this article. How much one should borrow “is an inherently personal decision that is best made after conducting thoughtful research,” Palumbo said.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on work funded by a $1.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a new smartphone app to monitor chronic wounds. The work is led by Emmanuel Agu, associate professor of computer science and coordinator of WPI’s Mobile Graphics Research Group, with co-principal investigators professor Diane Strong and associate professor Bengisu Tulu, both of the Foisie Business School, and Peder Pedersen, a retired professor of electrical and computer engineering.

The Telegram & Gazette profiled Gillian Smith, assistant professor of computer science, in this College Town article.

Raghvendra Cowlagi, assistant professor of aerospace engineering, and Alexander Wyglinski, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, are developing self-driving cars that can operate safely and efficiently, even in complex city environments; the work is funded by a $425,000 National Science Foundation award. 

WBUR 90.9

Craig Shue, associate professor of computer science, was interviewed about his research into cloud-based security for home networks. The work is supported by a $507,600 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.

The New York Times

Scott Barton, assistant professor of humanities and arts and an expert on how sound is perceived, was interviewed for an article about the Windsor Hum, a “persistent noise of unknown origin, sometimes compared to a truck idling or distant thunder,” that has been affecting residents of Windsor, Ontario, for years. 

Institute (the)

Amy Zeng, assistant dean of Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s business school, is helping the school design a supply chain master’s degree program to be offered in August. It emphasizes technical competencies such as data analytics and emerging technologies.

WBUR 90.9

WPI math professor Bill Martin is interviewed about the impact of Euler’s number, and how the number is used to model growth rates, ranging from financial investments to the rate of spread of disease. 

Mechanical Engineering Magazine

Gregory Fischer, mechanical and robotics engineering professor, and Laurie Dickstein-Fischer, professor of education at Salem State University, were interviewed for this article. The feature story focused on the potential of robots, including the Fischers’ PABI (Penguin for Autism Behavioral Intervention), to help therapists treat adults and children with autism.

Boston Business Journal

The Boston Business Journal reported on the opening of WPI Seaport, a multipurpose space in Boston that will further WPI’s role in the state’s innovation economy. President Laurie Leshin was joined by several state and local officials, including Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty, and Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, who said the new collaboration with WPI will “will bring more outstanding talent into our neighborhoods.”


Forbes interviewed Michael Ahern, director of corporate and professional education, on the cybersecurity training programs he and his team have been creating for several ‘critical’ industries, for this article. “I was an engineer in the power industry for 30 years, and I know that some of these companies are being attacked thousands of times a day,” Ahern said. “There are not enough cybersecurity workers at a time when the trend is that more and more hacks are successful.”

National Geographic

WPI’s now-famous spinach leaf was named seventh in National Geographic’s Our 21 Most Popular Stories of 2017.” The annual roundup noted that, “In a feat of science that captivated the attention of a million readers, a spinach leaf’s genetic material was replaced with that of a human heart, with far-reaching implications for future heart surgeries.” 

Medical News Today

Medical News Today published an article about a smartphone app developed at WPI that may help in the fight against obesity. While apps that aim to assist with weight loss are not new, this app — known as SlipBuddy — takes a unique three-pronged approach to combat overeating.

Photonics Media

This “Light Matters” webcast highlights how WPI and Quinsigamond Community College are awarded a $4 million grant by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to create a comprehensive joint laboratory for integrated photonics.

Mechanical engineering professor Shawn Liu discusses how fiber-optical tweezers could be a tool potentially used for early-stage cancer diagnosis.

Associated Press

The Associated Press interviewed Professor Nick Dembsey, fire protection engineering, for this article. Dembsey told the AP that the goal of the new risk assessment tool known as the Risk Evaluation Matrix is to enable fire marshals, building owners and others to make their structures safer through a rational and scientific approach. 

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal a letter to the editor by Interactive Media and Game Development professor Jennifer deWinter, written in response to an article about how movies based on Nintendo characters, particularly those focused on Super Mario Bros., have fared in the past.

WBZ News Radio 1030

WBZ Am Radio broadcast a report (12:37 mark) on computer science professor Craig Shue designing a cybersecurity system known as the Policy Enforcement and Access Control for Endpoints, or PEACE system, which enhances security and allows IT analysts to identify and deal with malware quickly.