In the News

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WPI to research wildfires, from space

Astronauts on the International Space Station will perform experiments for a study led by James Urban, assistant professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. A spacecraft carrying materials for the experiments was launched to the space station in August. Urban studies wildfires and believes the experiments in microgravity will provide insight on non-steady flame behavior and lead to better understanding of how wildfires spread on Earth. The research was featured in Are We There Yet? - The Space Exploration Podcast, Spaceflight Now, Spectrum News 1, Industry Wired, and MassLive.


The Chronicle of Higher Education

Andrew B. Palumbo, WPI dean of admissions and financial aid, was quoted in this article about the University of Chicago’s decision to adopt a test-optional admissions policy.The Chronicle noted that, since 2008 when WPI adopted its test optional policy, "other universities considering the same move have sought insights from WPI."

Boston Globe

This article featured the WPI graduation story of David D’Antonio who, in 1980, was a few classes short of earning a computer science degree when he ran out of money and dropped out. “Thirty-eight years later, the Arlington resident received his long-awaited diploma as well as praise from WPI president Laurie Leshin, who noted his ‘special amount of perseverance’ in her speech honoring the 981 undergraduates at the commencement ceremony on May 12.


WTOP radio in Washington, D.C., aired a segment featuring Erkan Tüzel, associate professor of physics, biomedical engineering, and computer science, discussing a sperm-sorting device that could improve IVF success. The segment also appears on the National Academy of Engineering web site.

USA Today

USA Today’s roundup of notable commencement speakers included comments by WPI undergraduate commencement speaker Margot Lee Shetterly.

The 74

The74Million, an online news site focused on education in the U.S., an op-ed by Neil Heffernan, professor of computer science and director of Learning Sciences and Technologies.

The Atlantic

In this article about colleges giving less weight to SAT scores and GPAs, The Atlantic described WPI as ‘proactively coming up with different frameworks’ for its admission process. “We’re not trying to find some formula that takes 11,000 applicants and lines them up from No. 1 to No. 11,000,” said Andrew Palumbo, dean of admissions and financial aid. “We are trying to find the best fit.”

The announcement of a $12 million dollar unrestricted gift to WPI by an anonymous donor was reported by the Telegram & Gazette.

Calling it “a remarkable year at WPI,” this Telegram & Gazette editorial highlighted the university’s inventions and other accomplishments. The T&G referred to “an expanding focus on innovation and entrepreneurship that has been part of the college’s DNA going back to its founding but which is reaching a new level under President Laurie Leshin.” Todd Keiller, director of WPI’s Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, told the newspaper that Leshin supports “a cycle of innovation and entrepreneurship,” benefiting both WPI and the community.

Charter TV3

Michael Ahern, director of corporate and professional education, spoke to Worcester News Tonight about protecting online data, amid recent ransomware attacks.

CBS Boston

WBZ-TV​ profiled research in which a team of researchers from WPI and Stanford University developed a sperm sorting device that could improve IVF Success. The device uses an “obstacle course” to sort and select faster and healthier sperm cells. 

Inside Higher ED

Inside Higher Ed highlighted WPI in its look at test-optional admissions policies at universities across the country, noting, “Another institution that has studied the impact of test optional is Worcester Polytechnic Institute, which attracted attention for its shift in admissions policy because WPI is an engineering and science institution.” 

Charter TV3

Jamal Yagoobi, head of the Mechanical Engineering department, is featured in a segment discussing research on a cooling system that will be placed on the International Space Station.

Le Monde

The French daily newspaper Le Monde published a lengthy feature on the use of Artemisia annua to treat malaria, focusing in large part on work by Pamela Weathers, associate professor of biology and biotechnology, who has been studying Artemisia for more than 25 years. (Note: the article is in French; right click on the page to translate.)

The New York Times

The New York Times quoted computer science professor Craig Shue about cybersecurity concerns related to Internet-enabled devices, as its Right At Home column asks, “Is My Not-So-Smart House Watching Me?”

The Telegram & Gazette published an opinion piece by Craig Wills, department head and professor of computer science. “I have identified the need to limit at least one of three conditions to increase privacy protection: the leakage of information, its linkage with other information sources and the lifetime of its existence,” Wills advised.

The Telegram & Gazette profiled research by Jamal Yagoobi, department head and professor of mechanical engineering. “When you try to do something in space, the design aspect is so critical,” Yagoobi said. This new method to cool spacecraft on long missions may one day play a crucial role in NASA’s quest to send astronauts to Mars and other deep-space destinations.

Eco Magazine

Patricia Stapleton, assistant professor of social sciences & policy studies, along with a colleague from Plymouth State University, published an article about their work on a new teaching modules that helps educators address disaster reduction challenges.

The Telegram & Gazette featured Craig Shue, associate professor computer science, and a $507,600 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. Shue will use the grant to create a system that outsources security to experts in the cloud.

U.S. News

Jean King, the Peterson Family Dean of Arts & Sciences, was quoted in this article, following her panel presentation at the U.S. News & World Report STEM Solutions 2018 Conference.“There is a difference between awareness and action,” King said. “It was to take real effort” to bring women into STEM." In addition, Stephen Flavin, Vice President and Dean of Academic and Corporate Engagement, moderated a panel on 'Spurring Collaboration Between Industry and Higher Ed'.


WPI’s Pavement Research Lab is featured in WCVB’s Cutting Edge Segment. Reporter Mike Wankum, takes a look at what researchers are doing to find a better, stronger mix of pavement materials to stand up to the environment and heavy truck loads.