NCFDD: Supporting Academic Parents: Recommended Policies and Practices

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

This webinar takes a two-pronged approach to assist both (1) individual faculty members who are parents and (2) academic institutions in better supporting academic parents. This webinar will also provide evidence-based recommendations to help individual parents successfully navigate their academic careers and the tenure process, while also presenting information that institutions and administrators can utilize to catalyze broader institutional change.

Because of WPI's institutional membership in the NCFDD, all WPI faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students can view this webinar free of charge. To create an account and register for a program, go to the NCFDD home page, click “Become a member,” and select WPI from the drop-down menu to register and login. 


Registration Deadline
Contact Person
Morgan Center for Teaching and Learning