CEAE Distinguished Speaker Series: Evaluation of Filtration Efficiency of HVAC Filter Media in Tackling Wildfire Smoke Indoors with Tanya Shirman, Ph.D.
12:00 pm to 12:50 pm
In recent decades, the Western US, Canada, and other parts of the world have seen a significant rise in the frequency and severity of wildfires, amplifying environmental and health risks on a global scale. As wildfire smoke, primarily comprised of submicron particles, can travel long distances and infiltrate indoor spaces, indoor air quality (IAQ) will become hugely important in providing safe and healthy building occupancy. Indoor particle control technologies such as stand-alone air cleaners and particle filters installed in central Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems are being relied upon to reduce indoor concentrations of particles of both indoor and outdoor origins. However, the removal efficiency of smoke particles by HVAC filters and their effect on filter performance is significantly under-studied.
This talk examines the limitations of current technologies for managing wildfire smoke indoors and shares findings on the filtration efficiency of common HVAC media, using pine needle smoke as a proxy. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was employed to analyze media morphology, revealing unique particle-fiber interactions. The results underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to indoor air quality (IAQ) during wildfires, aiming to inspire further research, improve filtration technologies, guide real-world filter choices, and enhance standards and guidelines for indoor air environments.
Dr. Tanya Shirman is a co-founder and VP of materials design at Metalmark. She holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, and completed postdoctoral research at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Wyss Institute. With over a decade of experience leading interdisciplinary R&D teams, she specializes in designing adaptive materials using nanoscale components, developing catalytic materials, and creating dynamic optical materials. At Metalmark, she focuses on advanced nanostructured materials to improve indoor air quality.