Aerospace BS/MS Info Session
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
1:00 pm to 1:50 pm
1:00 pm to 1:50 pm
Floor/Room #
Upper Perreault Hall
You are cordially invited to attend an info session on the BS/MS (BS in Anything/ MS in Aerospace Engineering), MS and Ph.D. Programs in Aerospace Engineering. General benefits and Tips, Courses that double count toward the bachelor's and master's degree are just a few of our Topics. Let us show you how the combined BSMS Program can be comfortably completed in five years or less!
Pizza and Refreshments will be served
Registration Deadline
Registration URL
Aerospace EngineeringContact Person
Joanne Tripp
Phone Number:
BS.MS-info-session-11.20.24-f.pdf (2.97 MB)