Faculty Information

In our second year at the DCU Center , our aim is to build on the many exciting benefits for our students and their families, and add new elements. Below are some basic information points for our 2025 Commencement Ceremonies.


Information for Faculty about the Ceremonies

Date/Time of Ceremonies

Thursday, May 15: Graduate Ceremony @ 5:00 pm, DCU Center, Worcester, MA 

Processional begins at 4:45 and the ceremony will last approximately two hours. 

Friday, May 16: Undergraduate Student Ceremony @ 2:00 pm, DCU Center, Worcester, MA

Processional begins at 1:40 and the ceremony will last approximately three hours. 


Faculty will be provided transportation from campus to the DCU Center, as well as a return after the ceremonies are over. 

Faculty board buses to the DCU Center at Unity Hall N. Boynton Lot as follows:

     On Thursday: at 3:00 PM 

     On Friday at 12:00 PM

Faculty will enter the DCU Center via Door 2 and will robe in the Press Room. WPI staff will be easily identifiable and will direct you to that room. Students will process past the faculty on the way to their seats. 

Faculty may travel to the DCU Center on their own, yet will be responsible for their own parking costs. 


Faculty must be in academic regalia for the Earle Bridge crossing and Commencement Ceremonies. If you do not own regalia, you may either purchase or rent.

  • For purchasing, please contact Rick Watson rwatson@oakhalli.com and cc bookstore@wpi.edu as soon as possible. March 7 is the last day to to place an order.
  • For rentals, visit Oak Hall between January 31 and April 2. After the order deadline in April, a rental may be available from the Bookstore on a first-come first served basis. Orders can be picked up at the Bookstore beginning May 5.
  • All rentals are due back to the Bookstore, on or before, May 23.
  • For all questions pertaining to regalia, please contact the Bookstore directly. 
DCU Entrances
  • All faculty will enter the DCU Center via Door 2 and will robe in the Press Room. WPI staff will be easily identifiable and will direct you to that room. Students will process past our faculty on the way to their chairs. 
  • Faculty will NOT be seated on-stage. Instead, they will be seated on the Arena floor in the front rows with our Trustees facing the stage. 
  • Ph.D. sponsors will line-up with their doctoral candidate(s) in the Exhibit Hall and will be seated next to them on the arena floor. 
2026 Ceremony Information

For planning purposes: 

Tentative dates for 2026 are May 14/15, 2026. 

Commencement Events

GRADFest (Student-only event)
April 25, 2025, 4:30pm in the Odeum
Lavender Ceremony
May 3, 2025, at 12:00 PM in Unity Hall
Convocation & Earle Bridge Crossing (Student-focused events)
May 13, 2025, at 1:30 PM in Harrington Auditorium (Rain date: May 14, 2025, at 12:30 PM) 
ROTC Commissioning
May 14, 2025, at 4:30 PM in Alden Hall
May 15, 2025 at 5:00 PM

Graduate Ceremony

Processional begins at 4:45pm
May 16, 2025 at 2:00 PM

Undergraduate Ceremony

Processional begins at 1:45pm