Notices and information from WPI divisions, departments, and offices.
The School of Arts and Sciences (A&S) offers awards to support conference attendance for students enrolled in…
The School of Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce the undergraduate students who were selected to receive a…
Computer Science Assistant Professor Tian Guo was recognized by her alma mater the University of Massachusetts…
Strage Innovation Award
Application Deadlines Friday March 17th, 2022
The School of Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce that student applications are being accepted for the 2022…
Each year, the WPI Alumni Association presents awards to a select group of alumni in recognition of their…
On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) inducted twelve…
The School of Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce the undergraduate students who were selected to receive a…
Kalenian Award Application Deadline on August 13th, 2021
The Kalenian Award, established in…
The STEM Education Center and a Computer Science faculty member were awarded a $300K…
The Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the…
The Computer Science Advising site is now accessible to everyone with a Canvas account. If you are a student…
The School of Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce the undergraduate students who have been selected to…
The School of Arts & Sciences will hold the third annual WPI Arts & Sciences Week from October 5 to…
Each year, divisions and departments across campus recognize outstanding student efforts (and one staff member…
Erin Ottmar (Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Psychology), Jacob Whitehill (Assistant Professor of…
A&S Graduate Student Travel Fund
The School of Arts and Sciences (A&S) offers awards to support conference…
Online learning program has evolved into a powerful research tool
When Neil Heffernan, the William Smith Dean's…
The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Studies (IES) acknowledged ASSISTments in its…