
School of Arts & Sciences

The Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences congratulates the students who received their doctoral degrees at WPI’s 148th Commencement on May 12, 2016. The conferring of these degrees reflected years of hard work on behalf of these PhD students as well as their dedicated faculty advisors. The Office congratulates these students and wishes them well on their future academic endeavors.  

Sagar Antala, “Molecular Insights of the Human Zinc Transporter hZIP4.” Advisor: Professor Robert Dempski, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry  

Goker Arpag, “Theoretical and Computational Investigations into Cooperative Cellular Transport by Motor Proteins.” Advisor: Professor Erkan Tüzel, Department of Physics  

Halit Bener Suay, "Reinforcement Learning from Demonstration." Advisor: Professor Sonia Chernova, Department of Computer Science  

Nguyenho Ho, “Swimming Filaments in a Viscous Fluid with Resistance.” Advisor: Professor Sarah Olson, Department of Mathematical Sciences  

Erin Kiley, “Reduced-Dimensional Coupled Electromagnetic, Thermal, and Mechanical Models of Microwave Sintering.” Advisor: Professor Vadim Yakovlev, Department of Mathematical Sciences  

Katrice King, “Phosphoinositide Phase Behavior in Complex Lipid Monolayer Systems.” Advisor: Professor Arne Gericke, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  

Grigor Nika, “Multiscale Analysis of Emulsions and Suspensions with Surface Effects.”Advisor: Professor Bogdan Vernescu, Department of Mathematical Sciences  

Sarju Patel, “Functional Diversity of Homologous P1B-ATPases in Metal Homeostasis and Host-Microbe Interaction.” Advisor: Professor José Argüello, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry  

Dovan Rai, "Modes and Mechanisms of Game-Like Interventions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems."Co-Advisors: Professors Ivon Arroyo, Department of Social Science and Policy Studies, and Joseph Beck, Department of Computer Science  

Ryan Richards, “Molecular and structural determinants that contribute to channel function and gating in channelrhodopsin-2” Advisor: Professor Robert Dempski, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  

Ity Sharma, “Developing and validating Fuzzy-Border continuum solvation model with Polarizable Simulations Second order Interaction Model (POSSIM) force field for proteins.” Advisor: Professor George Kaminski, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  

Jiani Yin, “Bayesian Nonparametric Models for Multi-stage Sample Surveys.” Advisor: Professor Balgobin Nandram, Department of Mathematical Sciences