
School of Arts & Sciences

WPI was showcased at the 4th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Fair and Reception held on Capitol Hill on July 7th. Sponsored by Women’s Policy, Inc. and the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, the fair featured interactive exhibits of public and private STEM programs to encourage women to pursue STEM education and careers.  

As the only university present, WPI was well-represented by students Katie Gandomi ‘17 (Robotics Engineering & Computer Science double major) and Rachel Burton ’17 (Interactive Media & Game Design major) who demonstrated some of their recent projects, including a robotic arm and mobile game, and spoke to attendees about WPI’s programs to promote women in STEM education, including WPI’s Clare Boothe Luce Research Scholar award program. Ms. Gandomi and Burton were joined at the exhibit by Karen Kashmanian Oates, Dean of Arts & Sciences, and Linda Looft, Assistant Vice President of Government & Community Relations.