Update on WPI’s Remote and Flexible Work Policy and Summer Work Schedule

Over the past several months, the Staff Council, in collaboration with Talent & Inclusion, gathered community feedback on WPI’s Remote and Flexible Work Policy and Summer Work Schedule. Following this community engagement, they have submitted several recommendations for consideration. Below is an overview of outcomes and next steps:

Remote and Flexible Work Policy: The Staff Council reported significant appreciation for WPI’s Remote/Flexible Work Policy and wide recognition of its successful implementation across many departments/divisions. Community members also recognized that some positions are not conducive to remote/flex work. It was further noted that, because some positions require coverage beyond WPI’s standard operating hours, flexibility in staff scheduling can help to ensure appropriate extended service coverage. In support of WPI’s operational effectiveness and efficiency, fairness, and employee well-being, we will implement their recommendations:

  • Provide additional training for managers. Include (1) guidance for determining the eligibility of jobs for remote/flex while ensuring operational needs are met; (2) best practices for supporting effective team dynamics, collaboration, communication, and technology usage to ensure that remote/flex staff are fully engaged, productive, and connecting well with one another; and (3) direction to help ensure that the performance management process is utilized to manage productivity and work expectations, and also builds-in an on-going assessment of the remote/flex work arrangement to ensure it remains appropriate and productive.
  • Include information about whether positions are eligible for remote/flex work in job descriptions. This will provide clarity and consistency in work eligibility and will enable WPI to include remote/flex work options in job postings when recruiting to fill staff positions.
  • Modify the process in Workday for documenting approved remote/flex work arrangements. This will allow for more flexibility in the nature and types of arrangements offered by WPI, i.e., when there are opportunities for more flexibility in remote/flex work arrangements during slower times in the job cycle. The current process includes limited options, which deter staff from using the system. The Workday process should ensure all remote/flex work arrangements are documented; this change is not intended to be a substitute for direct conversations between staff and their managers. 

Summer Work Schedule: The Staff Council submitted a proposal to adjust operating hours during the summer. Based upon their recommendations: 

  • From May 13-August 9, 2024, WPI’s operating hours will shift from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM to 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. All offices will be open and staffed during these core operating hours throughout the summer, with flexibility to support specific department or university needs. After the summer, we will review the effectiveness of this schedule. 

Further, the remote/flex work policy permits individual staff members to adjust their work schedule with managerial approval and ensuring core operating hours coverage for the department.

Staff are encouraged to use their accrued vacation time throughout the summer.

Please watch for more information about the new Remote & Flexible Work Policy trainings, and for the updates to remote work reporting in Workday.