
Recruit Talent


WPI will be holding a Spring Virtual Career Fair Series across three dates in February. Each fair will feature students from all degrees and disciplines and is ideal for employers looking to fill full-time, internship, and co-op positions. We will be using the Brazen platform for these fairs, which will provide you with the ability to have 1:1 text, audio, or video chats with students when you invite them to connect, on top of other helpful features you can customize for your organization's booth. All of these aspects of a virtual fair can help you find highly qualified talent in a remote environment. The ease of access using the Brazen platform and the data that you will receive on your candidates will be tremendously useful!

Spring 2021 Virtual Career Fair Dates: February 16, 17, 18 @12-3pm

Registration Process: In order to formally register, you must sign in, or create an account, in the Handshake platform. From the homepage, click "fairs" and then search for "WPI Spring Virtual Career Fair Series.” Please note this Handshake form is for Registration only. The event itself will take place in the BRAZEN platform. You will receive information on how to set-up your booth in Brazen at a later time.