

Congrats to Nde Nkimbeng '18 for being awarded WPI GOLD’s "10 Under 10" award in the category of Philanthropic Endeavors.

Nde has been a key volunteer for African Community Education (ACE) in Worcester. He has gone above and beyond to donate time, money, and his talents to this organization. Nde raised over $8,557 for ACE using the David Goggins 4x4x8 challenge. Congratulations on your achievements!

We caught up with Nde to learn more.

Why is giving back time to WPI and others important?

I've always been driven by a desire to contribute to the world. I strive to make a difference in the lives of others every single day. It's my life's mission.

When you contribute to something greater than yourself, you experience the ultimate form of happiness and fulfillment. Studies indicate that the very act of giving back to a community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of wellbeing.

What advice would you give to current students and young alumni?

I hope you feel inspired to give and contribute your time to support causes that you believe in. Add value, be a force for good and encourage others to do the same. It has the power to change your life and the life of others.

If you are already living in the world, why not shape it as well?


See other winners of the GOLD "10 Under 10" Awards here