
Data Science

Data Science Women of WPI Attend Grace Hopper Conference

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It was a thrill for four women from the Data Science Program to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Data Science conference this past month. They mingled with today's biggest female names in technology, some were offered jobs, and all came back inspired by what they experienced.

Today's event in the Higgins House Great Hall showcased their individual experiences, from workshops to presentations, and their collective experience of bonding as women in data science. Tabassum Kakar, Suwodi Bordoloi, Chitra Pichaimutta and Yanpu Li each shared their personal perspectives on the conference to a packed house of fellow Data Science students and Data Science faculty.

Dean Karen Oates, a staunch supporter of advancing women in professional careers,  recognized the four attendees as the future generation who will contribute to tackling tomorrow's critical problems by putting big data technologies they learned at WPI to work.  

Dean Terri Camesano, who was unable to attend today's event, made the Grace Hopper trip possible for the Data Science students throughout a very generous travel fellowship to the Data Science program.

Program Director Elke Rundensteiner is thankful for support by WPI administration of this very important cause and hopes more female students will take the opportunity to participate in the Grace Hopper Conference in the years to come.