
Data Science

Professor Elke Rundensteiner works with WPI students on Matter Matters

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MATTERS MATTERS! The goal of the Massachusetts High Technology Council (MHTC) is to determine what it takes to make Massachusetts the most attractive state in which to live, work, create, and succeed in growing high technology businesses. The MHTC partnered with WPI to develop a powerful data analytics program capable of measuring the state’s strengths and weaknesses compared to those of other technically progressive states.

The resulting product, Massachusetts’ Technology, Talent, and Economic Reporting System (MATTERS), has been successfully launched by MHTC.

MATTERS, developed by Data Science Program Director Elke Rundensteiner, Ph.D., and some extremely talented WPI students, enables users to collate and compare financial, educational, and technological data from states across the nation. End users have access to 30 different metrics including tax policy and costs, as well as talent supply and demand from various databases, indices, and sources.

MATTERS gives users the capability of  exploring in depth yet with ease relevant data to demonstrate how Massachusetts compares competitively to other states.


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