A small but concerning number of cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a serious but uncommon mosquito-borne illness, have been identified in our region.  

As a result, WPI is alerting our community to take active protective measures to prevent mosquito bites and reduce risk. 


Information about aerial spraying and about measures individuals can take is available via the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.  

Of note:

  • Limit exposure outdoors from dusk to dawn, when mosquitos are most active.
  • Use an appropriate mosquito repellent. 
  • Use fans to keep mosquitos at bay.
  • Move outdoor events indoors whenever possible.
  • Use screens in windows to keep mosquitos out.


The City of Worcester and the Massachusetts State Department of Public Health will be conducting aerial spraying in the region and will update their web pages as needed.


WPI Facilities is working with partners across campus to mitigate mosquito activity on and around campus. 


Please call Health Services with questions: 508-831-5520.