
Events Office

The Events Office is pleased to announce that 25Live is now open for event requests through the end of B-term. Please keep in mind that the only events being considered for the first two (2) weeks of A-term are academic course-related, trainings, and student events. Academic spaces will only be open for A-term at this point.

Events on campus will look significantly different than they have in the past. Before you enter any requests, please take the time to look through our COVID policies and guidelines document that can be found at the top of the Events Office webpage. That document will always be the most up to date source. We update it frequently as we get more information from the state.

We have also posted several training videos on our website. They include an overview of our COVID policies, general usage, and the event requesting process. We did make some updates over the summer, so please take the time to watch these videos and familiarize yourself with the new features.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


WPI Events Office Staff