We are launching the 2022 staff annual performance review process which covers performance for the period April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022. You will see this year's evaluation forms have been modified to align with our strategic plan, specifically you will note that performance competencies now incorporate content that reflects our WPI values:  respect, community, inclusion, innovation, and achievement.  The performance management process is intended to be a highly interactive process providing employees with an opportunity to contribute with their own self-assessment of their work, highlighting contributions about which they are most proud, identifying any performance challenges and opportunities for improving effectiveness and efficiency, and sharing with their manager interests in professional development.  We encourage both employees and managers to take full advantage of this process, intentionally reflecting on the past year and planning for the year ahead.  


We outline below some important next steps and completion dates:

  • STEP 1 - Self-Evaluation: Employees fill out the “Employee Self-Evaluation” from your Workday inbox. This self-evaluation is designed to highlight accomplishments from the past year and allow employees to offer suggestions and/or provide feedback to your manager. Once submitted, your self-evaluation will move to your direct manager for the next step.   Employees should complete their self-evaluation by June 25, 2022.
  • STEP 2 - Performance Review & Meeting: Managers will complete a “Performance Review” form for each direct report from their Workday inbox. The performance review form includes sections for the manager to comment on overall job performance and identify both areas of strength as well as opportunities for development.  Performance Review meetings should be held 1-on-1 to discuss accomplishments, identify opportunities for growth, and define goals.
  • STEP 3 - Manager Edits and Approves Performance Review: After the employee and manager have met to discuss the performance review, the manager will make edits as appropriate and approve the "Performance Review" form. Managers should complete performance reviews for each of their direct reports by July 25, 2022.
  • STEP 4 - Employee Acknowledgement: Completed "Performance Review" form will arrive in each employee’s Workday inbox to be acknowledged.  This stop also provides employees with an opportunity to add any additional comments.  Once acknowledged, performance review process is done.  Please complete by July 29, 2022. 

Talent & Inclusion will hold several performance management workshops for employees (individual contributors) and for managers.  See dates/times below.  Details on locations will follow shortly.


Employee Sessions

Manager Sessions


For more details on Workday process steps, please check out Employee Review Process. Please reach out to your Talent Strategy Partner if you have any questions.