All students attending WPI are required to have health insurance that meets Massachusetts coverage guidelines and the Affordable Care Act. If you are not covered by another health insurance plan, WPI offers a plan that meets these standards. We are writing to you now to provide you information about the WPI health plan, although there is no need for you to take action yet: in July, you will receive details about how to enroll in the plan or, if you have proof of comparable coverage, how to waive enrollment.

The health plan offered by WPI, sponsored by United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR), provides comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price. The 2021-2022 health insurance plan includes:

  • Annual coverage from August 12, 2021 through August 11, 2022.
  • Full compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the coverage standards expected by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • $0 deductible and unlimited policy year maximums.
  • Harvard Pilgrim is the medical provider of choice for UHCSR, and is a large and well respected medical care network in Massachusetts.
  • In-network physician’s office visits covered at 100% after a $10 copayment.
  • In-network medical services generally covered at 80% of the negotiated charge.
  • Prescription drug coverage with low copayments; $20 generic, $55 brand name, $75 non-preferred brand name.
  • Optional vision and dental insurance are available for students who purchase the WPI Health Insurance.
    • The vision insurance includes an annual eye exam and benefits to help pay for vision hardware and contact lenses.
    • The dental insurance includes preventive, basic and major services.
  • More information on the vision and dental plans, as well as enrollment processes, will be available on the UHCSR website later this summer. WPI’s Student Health Services are available to all students who pay the Health and Wellness Fee, even if the WPI health plan is waived. Please note that the Health and Wellness Fee is required of all undergraduate students.
  • The annual premium is $1,829, and will automatically be billed to your student account unless waived.
    • This fee does not include the Student Health and Wellness Fee.

We understand that health insurance and medical care in America can be confusing for both domestic and international students, and we are updating our website with information to outline how to best navigate the US medical care system; this site will be launched in late summer 2021.

Next steps – In July, detailed information about the policy coverage, as well as instructions on how to enroll or request a waiver and direct contact information for UHCSR, will be sent to you via e-mail. All students will be automatically enrolled and charged the health insurance premium of $1,829 unless a waiver is submitted.

Thank you. We can’t wait to see you back on campus.


Gregory Snoddy                                   Lisa Pearlman

Dean of Students                                  Director, Student Health Services