
Office of the President

This message was sent to all WPI employees.

I am writing to share our approach for building the Year One teams for Lead with Purpose, the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. As you may recall from town hall sessions and other outreach—including the survey regarding the proposed WPI mission and value statements—the plan’s framework, developed over the past several months by teams of your faculty and staff peers, includes the following focus areas:

  • Student Access and Well-being
  • Purpose-driven Education and Research
  • Who We Are and How We Work

That planning team developed goals and strategies within each focus area. Now, 11 implementation teams are being created, with each team consisting of approximately 10-12 team members, to bring these goals to fruition.

At the close of Elevate Impact, the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan, there was feedback to recruit more broadly to include new voices from a diverse group of faculty and staff when implementing the goals. While everyone in the WPI community will participate in the success of Lead with Purpose, we are also inviting your active engagement in teams focused on year one of the plan’s implementation. Please use this form to express your interest and the passion and skills you would bring to a team—and/or use the form to nominate a colleague. No one will be expected to serve longer than the first year, but extended participation is of course welcomed and encouraged. 

With this effort, we hope to identify and recruit a diverse group of faculty and staff whose work will be integral to the future direction of the university, while providing new and rewarding professional experiences. 

Best Regards,

Rachel LeBlanc

Strategic Plan Implementation Lead

Amy Morton & Wole Soboyejo

Strategic Plan Co-Chairs

Update as of 11/19/21: You can access the new Strategic Plan here.