Research Support

Professor Sue Roberts walking through the Rao Lab

Gordon Library offers faculty research support in a variety of forms, including online guides and tutorials and research consultations at the library or at your office.  Please contact us for services in the following areas, or to schedule a consultation.

Grants and Funding

The library works with the Office of Sponsored Programs, Research Solutions Institute, and Foundation and Corporate Philanthropy, to provide assistance in using research tools to find funding opportunities from government, corporations, foundations & private entities. Search in Pivot for research funding, fellowships, travel, equipment, prizes and more. For information on finding funding visit the Identifying Funding Opportunities research guide, and for more information on WPI support for grants and funding visit the WPI Funding Toolkit.

Finding Relevant Research Information

Investigating a new area of research or teaching?  Let us guide you through Gordon Library’s resources and Open Access collections available through the web.  We can also direct you to research facilities and collections around the world that are related to your areas of inquiry. Interested in suggesting a purchase?  For more information visit Suggest a Purchase.

Off-Campus Access & Print Borrowing Privileges

Library resources are available to all faculty while they are off-campus. Find information about how to access electronic resources anywhere and at any time, request print materials, or contact librarians.

Find information on loan periods for library resources, granting proxy borrowing privileges to others, and other borrowing policies.

Citation Management

Interested in learning a new tool to manage your pdfs and citations?  WPI provides access to an institutional edition of Endnote (you can download or use on the web)). We can also provide assistance with using Zotero, BibTex and other tools. For more information visit Citation Tools.

Fax: +1-508-831-5829

Research and Publications by WPI Faculty

Interested in what your colleagues are publishing? Explore easy ways to keep up with WPI faculty research and publications, including monthly newsletters and emails or alerts, and more. For further information visit our WPI Faculty Publications guide.