Publishing, Promotion, and Profile Support

Reader in front of bookshelves with faculty publications

Gordon Library supports faculty in sharing your research and knowledge through publishing, and telling the story of your contributions whether as part of your promotion and tenure review, or by curating your online profiles. Here are some of the ways we can help you. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Publishing and Open Access

Considering open access publishing? Wishing you had more rights to your own work?  We keep current on these issues and can meet to discuss your options. Also find out what versions of your published works you have a right to share by checking Sherpa/Romeo. For further information visit our Open Access guide.

The library offers basic information on publishing choices for graduate students - this information may also be helpful to you as faculty.

Copyright in the U.S. is the right granted by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to an author or other creator to control use of the work created. For more information about copyright including discovering materials that are in the public domain and other legal ways of using works for your teaching, projects, or publications, see our Copyright guide

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that provides free licenses that copyright owners can use to share their content with the public on their terms.  Rights licenses range from "Some Rights Reserved" to public domain, with "CC:BY" (requiring attribution of the author) a common license chosen by academics. More information is available on our Copyright guide.

Copyright for Your Students: The library provides guidance to students in understanding copyright and using others' works responsibly, as well as understanding their own rights as creators. The library provides copyright information specifically for your students, including important guidance on copyright for their IQP or MQP - both of which will be published in WPI's digital repository, Digital WPI. 

Measuring Research Impact & Performance

Interested in citation analysis, impact factors, or altmetrics? We can work with you to tell the story of the impact of your work.  For more information visit our guide, Assess Research Impact.

Online Presence

If you want to distinguish yourself academically or professionally online, we can guide you in identifying profiles and platforms that will help you reach your goals, such as ORCID, Scopus, and Google Scholar.  We can also help you update your WPI faculty profile on the web. For more information visit our guides on Curating your Online Presence, and WPI Website Profile.

Preprint Servers (arXiv, bioRxiv, etc.)

A preprint is a draft research paper that is shared publicly before it has undergone peer review.  Preprint manuscripts are assigned a Digital Object Identification (DOI) number for citation purposes.  Uploading a paper to a preprint server makes your research available and visible without a paywall to others in a shortened time frame. For more information on finding and using preprint servers, see our preprints guide