Board of Directors

The work of the WPI Alumni Association (WPIAA) is led by an Executive Cabinet and Board of Directors, which meets throughout the year to plan initiatives and programs that support the mission of the Association, the needs of the alumni it represents, as well as WPI’s mission and goals. 

Board Composition

The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association is comprised of the officers of the Alumni Association (President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the chairs of the Alumni Association Committees, the representative to the Trustee Sub-committee on Lifetime Engagement, and all at-large members. The chair(s) of the Student Alumni Society is an ex-officio non-voting member(s).

Terms of Services

  • President – two year term, not eligible for immediate re-election
  • President-Elect – two year term, prior to succeeding to the Presidency
  • Past President – two year term, immediately following the Presidency
  • Treasurer – one year term, with eligibility for indefinite re-election
  • Secretary – not an elected position. The secretary is the current Executive Director of the Alumni Office.
  • Representative to the Trustee Sub-Committee on Lifetime Engagement – one year term, with eligibility for indefinite re-election
  • At-large Members – three year term. Shall not serve more than two successive full terms, but eligible for re-election one year after the close of his/her/their last term.

Members of the Board are expected to attend the four Board meetings held each year, serve on at least one Board committee, and attend WPI alumni events. Learn more about Board responsibilities and expectations. Read the By-Laws here:


Location: Higgins House
Phone: 508-831-5600
Fax: 508-831-5791

Executive Cabinet


  • Janelle Drake '11
  • Roman Gutierrez '15
  • Dave Henry '86 
  • Maureen Horgan '83
  • Trae Jennette '15
  • Alison LeFlore '09
  • Hannah Navarro Levy '17
  • John Lombardi '90
  • Lindsey McKan '09
  • Steve Mezak '78
  • Morgan Mitchell BS/MS '17
  • Pat Moran '65
  • Nancy Roberts '77
  • Jake Roczniak '03
  • Lailah Thompson '16
  • Jami Walsh '97, MS'99

Committee Chairs & Representatives

  • Finance Committee Chair: Kathryn Byorkman Gauthier ’12
  • Citations Committee Chair: Mark Macaulay ’89, MS’94
  • Nominating Committee Chair: Open
  • DEI Committee Co-Chairs: Arly Dungca '08 & Alison LeFlore '09
  • Strategic Road Map Committee Co-Chairs: Dave Henry '86 & Pamela Giasson Lynch '05

Ex-Officio Member(s)

  • Lily Jones '25, Student Alumni Society, Chair
  • Jenn Daigle, WPI Office of Lifetime Engagement