
Get a Head Start - that Lasts - with Army ROTC

Graduates of Army ROTC enjoy two distinct advantages in the career arena. First, they enter the working world with solid leadership skills and great confidence. Second, they can move right into a guaranteed job with the Army.

As they move through their careers, they have many options available; Army personnel work in virtually the same professions as civilians, as well as additional military-specific occupations.

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Active Duty Officer Personnel by Occupation

Occupation Number of Personnel
Combat Specialty occupations 18,990
Engineering, science, and technical occupations 22,498
Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 15,418
Health care occupations 10,337
Human resource development occupations 2,795
Media and public affairs occupations 284
Protective service occupations 2,925
Support service occupations 1,624
Transportation occupations 10,488
Non-occupation or unspecified coded personnel 7,824
Total 93,183

Source: U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center; data as of June 2019.

Army Branches

The United States Army is categorized into 17 basic career fields, known as branches, that guide career progression and job opportunities.  

Soon to be Second Lieutenants are accessed into a single branch option upon graduation and commissioning. A Cadet ranks branches according to their preferences and then is assigned one based on a talent-based branching process.  Some branches are partially reserved for Cadets with specific undergraduate degrees. For example, 70% of Lieutenants assigned to the Corps of Engineers hold engineering degrees.  

Below is a general summary of each branch. Please click here for further information on each branch. 

Adjutant General (AG)

Adjutant General officers are leaders in the human domain responsible for the management of the Army’s most important resource – its people.  AG officers manage all personnel systems within the Army that impact on unit readiness, morale, and career patterns. They employ HR systems, software applications, the military decision-making process, and lead a small team to proactively manage current and future requirements.  


Adjutant General officers must possess the necessary technical and operational expertise to plan, coordinate, and direct personnel support and advise commanders on all aspects of human capital. They must be able to integrate into any organization and function as a member of a combined-arms staff.

Air Defense Artillery (ADA)



Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Protects and defends the third dimension – AIRSPACE – against aircraft and missiles with systems such as the Patriot and Stinger. The air defense artillery officer leads the air defense artillery branch, who protects U.S. forces from aerial attack, missile attack and enemy surveillance. They must be an expert in tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of air defense systems.


Air Defense officers are expeditionary-minded combat arms leaders who work both independently and as valuable team members within complex Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) environment. Masters of their technologically advanced weapons systems, they instinctively employ ADA principles to deliver fires and defend designated assets. ADA officers understand both maneuver and Joint operations. They are culturally astute, able to use their understanding to conduct operations innovatively across the globe. Physically fit, mentally tough and inspirational, Air Defense leaders generate confidence in their Soldiers and supported units. They are problem solvers in complex tactical, operational, and strategic environments who can make sound decisions and accomplish multiple simultaneous tasks. Leveraging their interpersonal skills, Air Defense officers must effectively communicate requirements and advise supported units. Given the dispersed nature of Army air defense unit, officers must be self-starters who can operate based on intent.

Armor (AR)



Armor (AR) Armor officers are responsible for training their tank units for combat to defeat lethal, adaptive enemies in all types of terrain. Armor officers lead their tank formations, closing with and destroying the enemy, as well as lead scouts conducting reconnaissance and security on the battlefield. The role of an armor officer is to be a leader in operations specific to armor branch and to lead others in many areas of combat operations.   


 Armor officers are leaders of teams who are experts in combined arms, reconnaissance, and security operations. They possess the technical and tactical competence, social and cultural awareness, and oral and written communication skills needed to cultivate trust and teamwork.  They are physically fit and mentally tough, prepared to succeed under the most adverse conditions. They are leaders who possess a flexibility of mind, able to utilize multiple technologies to devise solutions to complex and dynamic challenges. Armor officers are comfortable making decisions in ambiguous environments, developing courses of action, determining and mitigating risks, then precisely and effectively communicating plans to accomplish the task or mission.

Aviation (AV)

Caption: Aviation officers lead operations using Army helicopters such as the AH-64E Apache. The Apache is the most advanced multi-role combat helicopter for the U.S. Army. It is designed to survive heavy attack and inflict massive damage

Aviation (AV) The largest air force in our nation, including transport, utility, and attack helicopters. Aviation officers coordinate/lead operations using Army helicopters: UH-60 Black Hawk, CH-47 Chinook, and the AH-64 Apache. These operations can haul troops and carry supplies, as well as provide quick-strike and long-range target engagement. Aviation officers serve in all aspects associated with flight operations.


Aviation officers must be able to understand, process, and translate vast amounts of data into understandable concepts. As such, they must master concepts across multiple disciplines (for example, air and ground combat operations) while integrating them into an operational perspective in order to support their maneuver partners. Aviators must also be capable of rapid visualization, possess an acute sensitivity to visual details and spatial relationships, and be able to orient multiple dimensions with ease. They must think creatively and in an innovative and novel fashion, devising solutions and responses to unforeseen challenges in the most effective yet prudent fashion. As a result, Aviation Officers quickly and effectively analyze situations, rapidly process and prioritize requirements and actions, communicate effectively, and make independent and integrity-based decisions.

Chemical (CBRN)



Caption: The skills you acquire as a CBRN officer will make you highly marketable in the civilian world. Personnel managers in homeland security, consequence management, environmental protection, and other careers look for leaders with these skills and experiences

Chemical (CM) A Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear officer commands the Army branch that specifically defends against the threat of CBRN weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction. The officers lead an extraordinary chemical unit that is completely dedicated to protecting our nation. Assignments include operations, logistics, training, intelligence, research, and analysis.  


Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Officers must be adaptive, intelligent, and agile leaders. The diverse nature of the organizations they support also requires these officers to possess broad knowledge of all branches and understand how CBRN defense capabilities integrate into combined arms maneuver. CBRN Officers must possess resident expert knowledge and conceptual understanding to process vast amounts of information in order to prioritize and act on that information. The destructive potential of CBRN threats that maneuver units confront demands that CBRN Officers possess the ability to analyze difficult situations and advise commanders or senior leaders on complex scenarios. The scope of the threats they combat requires an ability to utilize the latest technologies in order to counter the threat posed from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) and ensure interoperability with joint forces as well as interagency and international partners.

Cyber (CY)



Cyber Corps Officers coordinate and conduct integrated and synchronized offensive cyberspace operations by targeting enemy and hostile adversary activities and capabilities. The Cyber branch is a maneuver branch with the mission to conduct defensive and offensive cyberspace operations. Cyber is the only branch designed to directly engage threats within the cyberspace domain.  


Cyber Corps officers are adaptive, collaborative, innovative, intellectually curious, and passionate leaders, capable of applying the art and science of the profession of arms within the cyberspace domain and electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to plan, synchronize, integrate, and execute cyberspace and electronic warfare (EW) operations. They must be technically superior and technologically adept, understanding the cyberspace domain and EMS in a multi-dimensional sense to leverage leading-edge technologies and technically-skilled teams to provide operational commanders a unique effects-based capability for defending our nation against emerging threats. They must effectively articulate cyberspace and EW operational capabilities to commanders, as well as integrate those capabilities to create effects during multi-domain operations in support of unified land operations at all echelons. They must also be lifelong learners to continue developing expertise as leaders in their field and to be highly adaptive within an emerging technological environment.

Engineer (EN)



Caption: The Army Corps of Engineers is the world's largest public engineering, design, and construction management agency.

Engineer (EN) An engineer officer is responsible for providing full support to the wide range of engineering duties in the Army, including such fields as construction, topographic, civil work, environmental engineering, and even provide combat support.  


Engineer officers are tactical and technical warriors that are devoted to providing maneuver commanders and ground forces with freedom of action at every echelon. Engineer officers have unique opportunities to enhance their leadership talents and development through military schools, credentialing/certification programs, and advance civil schools exclusive to the Engineer Regiment. Collectively, these skills make Engineer officers superb project managers and tenacious problem solvers that are capable of operating in ambiguous environments solving the nation’s toughest problems. Engineer leaders possess the drive to succeed and master all challenges and are willing to exploit opportunities for self-development.

Field Artillery (FA)



Field Artillery (FA) The field artillery officer lead, develop, and train Soldiers to neutralize the enemy by cannon, rocket and missile fire as well as coordinate all the supporting fire from airpower and naval gunfire. The officer must be an expert in tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of fire support systems.   


Field Artillery officers are combat arms leaders who embody the attributes and toughness required of officers responsible for leading Soldiers in combat. These detail-oriented leaders are experts in the integration, synchronization, and delivery of fires in support of the maneuver commander’s objectives. They are well-versed in the capabilities of Army, joint and multinational fires, and are skilled operators on a multi-dimensional battlefield. Field Artillery officers are master of technical fire direction. They understand and leverage ballistics, munitions capabilities, and the processes required to employ joint fires capabilities across multiple domains.  In the history of modern conflict, members of the Field Artillery Corps, with their ability to coordinate and deliver fires, have been the most lethal and effective branch throughout America’s history. Throughout multiple generations, the Field Artillery has always been recognized as the King of Battle as wars are won and lost based on the performance of the Army’s Field Artillery.

Finance and Comptroller (FC)



Finance and Comptroller (FC) The Finance and Comptroller officers provide fiscally responsible management of government resources through fully auditable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and various management controls promoting effective governance. All aspects of pay, allowances, accounting, and contracting involve Finance officers.  


Finance and Comptroller officers handle vast amounts of financial information utilizing both abstract and analytical reasoning. They possess technical and tactical knowledge as well as an understanding of general accounting principles to complete both finance operations and comptroller tasks. FC officers exhibit abilities to find creative solutions to problems beyond those that are rule-based yet ensure that those solutions comply with applicable laws and regulations. FC officers are articulate, effective, and concise communicators enabling cost-informed decision-making and communicating subsequent financial impacts to senior leaders in operational terms.

Infantry (IN)



Infantry (IN) Forms the nucleus of the Army’s fighting strength. The infantry officer is responsible for leading infantry and combined armed forces during land combat. The mission is to maintain a state of readiness in preparation for combat worldwide.  


Infantry officers must be able to operate in some of the most politically, economically, and environmentally adverse situations while at different threat levels. In order to operate in such environments, Infantry officers must possess the highest levels of mental toughness, problem solving ability, and physical fitness. Using creativity and sound judgment, they must have the ability to devise and prioritize solution sets rapidly, motivate and employ Soldiers, and have an innate ability to adapt to fluid situations when facing any enemy across the entire threat spectrum. Additionally, Infantry officers must have the ability to discriminate an action out of the norm and respond with the appropriate level of action. They must also demonstrate consistent command of these skills over extended periods of time.

Military Intelligence (MI)



Military Intelligence (MI) One of the largest branches with specialties in tactical intelligence, counter-intelligence, signals and electronic intelligence security, surveillance, and aerial reconnaissance. They provide essential information to commanders, decision makers, and staffs with accurate, relevant, predictive, and tailored intelligence about the enemy and other aspects of the operational environment. Intelligence supports the planning, preparing, executing, and assessing of operations.  


 MI officers analyze different cultures and threats to understand both friendly and threat operations in multiple domains: land, air, maritime, space, and cyberspace. MI officers must effectively communicate in both verbal and written form. MI officers lead Soldiers and manage systems to process, exploit, and disseminate intelligence. MI officers may obtain an area of concentration in signals intelligence, counterintelligence, or human intelligence.

Military Police (MP)



Military Police (MP) MP Officers are professional warrior police who are the Army’s experts at combat policing, promoting the rule of law, and preserving the force both at home and abroad across the range of military operations, with a focus on readiness for large-scale combat operations, criminal investigation and counter-terrorism.  


MP officers are talented leaders of character who must deal with complexity in both peace and war, applying investigative skills, adaptive and critical thinking, and a detail-focused approach to their interdisciplinary career field. MP officers must possess high levels of physical and mental stamina to operate under stress, while skilled at establishing the necessary relationships in order to instruct, train, and educate across the various cross-cultural, ethnic, and human dimensional attitudes. They are articulate in conveying courses of action, communicating decisions, and accomplishing the mission regardless of operational constraints and environmental conditions.

Medical Service Corps (MEDSERVE)

Medical Service Corps (MEDSERVE) Medical Service Corps (MSC) officers serve in a wide diversity of health care administrative and scientific specialties ranging from management and support of the Army’s health services system to direct patient care. MSC officers are essential in treating and helping the overall health of Soldiers and their families. They are also responsible for much of the medical research that takes place in the Army. From medical fields such as optometry and podiatry to laboratory sciences to behavior sciences. The Army Medical Service Corps includes many areas of specialty including positions in supply and administration as well as tactical assignments. Medical Air Evacuation pilots are subcategory of this branch.  


 MSC officer must be Warrior Leaders, skilled in tactics, techniques, and procedures necessary to understand and support the Warfighter. They must therefore be able to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions. They must also be perceptive and precise in all matters, particularly as it applies to the patients they serve. Medical Service Officers must be effective and compelling communicators. Lastly, they must possess interdisciplinary acumen in order to excel and operate in the full spectrum of military operations while supporting Operating and Generating Force organizations.

Ordnance (OD)



Ordnance (OD) The largest branch that develops, produces, acquires, and supports the Army’s weapon systems, ammunition, missiles, and wheeled and tracked vehicles. Ordnance officers are responsible for ensuring that weapons systems, vehicles, and equipment are ready and available, at a moment's notice. They also manage the developing, testing, fielding, handling, storage and disposal of munitions.  Specialties are Tank/Automotive, Missile/Electronics, and Munitions material management as well as Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD).  


Maintenance and Munitions Management Officers (91A) are adaptive, agile, logical, and detail-oriented leaders that are directly responsible for building and maintaining the combat power of the Army. They enable readiness through dynamic and articulate leadership with the ability to establish priorities of work to accomplish the mission. Leadership in material maintenance and ammunition management processes requires officers who use logic and analytical skills to solve problems and communicate solutions precisely. These officers must be support-focused, skilled at building relationships, and able to connect with others in a direct way so they can advise commanders and customers on sustainment operations in complex operating environments. The Maintenance and Munitions Management Officers Intelligences include Interpersonal and Logical-Mathematical. The Talent Priorities include: Interdisciplinary; Innovative; Interpersonal; Logical-Analytical; and Communicator. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officers (89E) are the culmination of the best tactical and technical training the Department of Defense can provide. As the Army's preeminent tactical and technical explosives specialists, EOD officers need to operate confidently with detailed and disciplined accuracy under stressful conditions, be mentally tough, work calmly under pressure, and be prudent risk takers. They provide dynamic leadership to formations of expertly trained EOD Soldiers. Explosive ordnance disposal officers must be effective communicators with an extreme aptitude for planning and organizing in support of Army units worldwide, civil authorities in CONUS, and across all operational environments. EOD officers are “hands-on” Soldiers with technical and mechanical inclination, acute sensitivity to visual details, and the ability to orient to three dimensions. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officers Intelligences include Bodily-Kinesthetic and Spatial. The Talent Priorities include: Detail Focused; Mentally Tough; Prudent Risk Taker; Bodily-Kinesthetic; and Process Disciplined.

Quartermaster (QM)



Quartermaster (QM) The “Sustainers of the Army” plan and direct all activities which provide food, water, petroleum, repair parts, weapon systems, and field services. More specifically, the quartermaster officer provides essential supply support for the Soldiers and units in field services, aerial delivery, and material and distribution management.    


Leadership in materiel management, logistics automation, field services, petroleum and water operations, aerial delivery, and mortuary affairs require Quartermaster officers to be leaders and managers who can develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes. They must be innovators, able to devise solutions and prioritize responses beyond that which is rote, or rule based. Given their worldwide missions, these officers must be adept at virtual collaboration - work productively, drive engagement, and display presence as a member of a team using management information systems. Perhaps most importantly, Quartermaster officers must be customer-focused, as sustainment enables operational reach and freedom of maneuver.

Signal (SC)



Signal (SC) The Signal Corps is responsible for the Army’s entire systems of communication. The Army uses all types of radio and cellular phone technology as well as satellites, lasers, and computer systems. Officers plan and execute all aspects of communication on a mission and are critical to the Army’s continued success.  Assignments range from the tactical level to the White House Communications Agency.


Signal officers lead Soldiers and organizations that provide dynamic communication networks and information systems enabling mission command from the national command authority to the tactical edge. They are mentally tough and possess strong interpersonal skills which enable them to develop positive relationships and build effective teams. They are technologically adept problem solvers skilled at leveraging the latest technologies and practices and are responsible for determining project requirements in a rapidly changing, complex environment. They clearly articulate the highly-technical components of the signal community into operational terms providing the warfighter with a common operating picture. They are lifelong learners able to pursue continuing education in leadership, management, information technology, and other domain-specific disciplines.

Transportation (TC)



Transportation (TC) The Transportation Corps is responsible for moving supplies, troops, and equipment anywhere on the globe. During war, the Transportation Corps utilizes trucks, boats, and airplanes to provide extremely fast support to the combat teams on the frontlines.

Skills/Characteristics: Transportation Officers are multi-dimensional warriors who can operate any platform, perform in any environment, and do so with the right “mind-sets over skill-sets.” They must be innovative and creative multi-taskers – able to improvise and develop fresh, new ideas – while encouraging others to do the same. Transporters are leaders who can deliver outcomes, but also embrace and promote diversity, possess empathy, and compassion for others, and create environments where individuals are accepted, understood, and valued. They are integrators who exhibit the imagination to challenge subordinates to work outside their comfort zones and deliver new solutions. They are perceptive enough to know how they connect to the big picture, while being versatile enough to leverage, learn, and develop individual skills and talents. Transportation officers must be talented in their core proficiencies, highly analytical, able to lead change, capable of operating across the spectrum of conflict, able to operate in Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) environments, culturally astute, and courageous enough to see and exploit opportunities.

Baccalaureate Specialty Branches

As a member of the U.S. Army health care team you will do what you do best — use your professional skills and best judgment to provide a full spectrum of patient care. You’ll provide this expert care in facilities that are second to none, using equipment and procedures that are often more advanced than their private-sector counterparts.​

Army Nurse Corps (ANC)


Army Nurse Corps (ANC) A Bachelor of Science in Nursing also makes you an officer and a leader in the ANC. All ANC officers are trained in clinical specialties such as Intensive Care, Operating Room Nurse, Community Health and Environmental Science, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Psychiatric Nursing. Most Army nurses who choose to remain in the Service after their initial obligation go on to earn advanced degrees in Nurse Anesthesia, Nurse Midwifery, Healthcare Administration, and other Masters’ Degree programs, as well as Doctoral study in Nursing Science, Education, or Administration.  

Medical Specialist Corps (MSC)

Medical Specialist Corps (MSC) The Army’s dietitians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists.

Advanced Degree Branches

Judge Advocate Generals Corps (JAG)

Judge Advocate Generals Corps (JAG) Provides legal services for the Army and its soldiers. JAG officers serve as prosecutors and defense attorneys in military, state, and federal courts. Must be a graduate of an accredited law school.

Medical Corps

Medical Corps The doctors of the Army come from medical schools across the nation including the military’s own Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine.

Medical Service Corps

Medical Service Corps The Army’s pharmacists, optometrists, physician assistants, and podiatrists.

Dental Corps

Dental Corps An Army Dental Corps officer is responsible for the dental health of Soldiers and their families.  Must have a degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Medicine.

Veterinary Corps

Veterinary Corps As an Army veterinary officer, you can practice in three primary areas: animal medicine, veterinary public health, and research and development. You will be responsible for treating government-owned animals and pets of service members and their families.