Configuring TeXnicCenter on First Run
To LaTeX under Windows you will need 5 pieces of software, all of which can obtained without cost:
- MiKTex: Download the latest version. Make sure to run the “complete install.” See more detailed instructions. Note: MiKTex can take up to an hour or more to install.
- Ghost script and Ghost view: Download the latest versions.
- Sumatra PDF reader Download the latest version.
- A Tex editor such as TeXnicCenter or TeXstudio. The first time you start TeXnicCenter you will need to configure it.
Once you have installed all necessary applications, you will use the Tex editor to edit your LaTeX document, and then you will be able to build and output it to any combination of dvi, ps, and pdf files.
Tutorial Video
1. The first time you start TeXnicCenter, a "Tip of the day" box will pop up. Close it.
2. You will then see the Configuration Wizard.
3. Click on the "Next" button.
4. Tell TeXnicCenter the path to your MiKTeX installation, for example (your path may vary depending on OS Version) C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64 into the text entry field.
5. Click "Next" and you will see that TeXnicCenter has been configured
6. Click "Finished" and you should be all set.