Graduate Internship Program

A unique experience in graduate education, the Fire Protection Engineering Graduate Internship Program provides valuable clinical experience while enabling you to earn wages that help cover the cost of schooling—all while earning credit and remaining enrolled full-time as a student.

Phone: 508-831-5593
Fax: 508-831-5862

Benefits of the Fire Protection Engineering Graduate Internship Program:

  • The internship plus a master’s degree usually counts toward two years of experience for professional engineer registration.
  • Earnings are substantial, comparable to an engineer with a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  • Many work environments provide access to specialized laboratories not available on campus.
  • On-the-job experience will help shape your individual goals and future fire safety career choices.

Matching Students with Sponsors

WPI helps match you with the right sponsor, although final selection is accomplished through a direct interview. Work during the employment assignment can be for academic credit as part of a thesis or graduate project. Over the course of the internship, ongoing communication and collaboration helps you build valuable relationships between sponsors and faculty. 

Internship Costs

Interns in fire protection engineering are normally paid at a rate equivalent to entry-level engineer wages as established by the individual employer. You may work as a full-time or part-time temporary employee of the sponsor, be employed by WPI, or be employed by a third-party contractor on a cost-reimbursable basis. 

To learn more about how you can become a GIP intern, contact or 508-831-5593.

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My first industry experience was a one-year internship resulting in a fully funded master’s thesis—and a great job. WPI graduates have an accentuated confidence and pride in professional excellence because of their training. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote
  • Todd Hetrick
  • Masters Student