Risk-Informed Performance-Based Design and Regulation

The author of numerous texts and an internationally recognized expert on risk-informed, performance-based design and regulation, this aspect of Professor Meacham’s research focuses on the development of new approaches for enhancing public safety. His work has impacted the profession of fire protection engineering by influencing building regulatory decision makers in the United States and abroad.

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This work requires fundamental research and collaboration with government agencies responsible for developing regulatory policy, particularly for performance-based building regulations. Historically, building regulations have been developed in response to catastrophic events. In a performance environment, the aim is to develop regulations that proactively identify and address societal expectations for building safety and performance, resulting in a better allocation of resources focused on critical needs.

Brian Meacham

Associate Professor


Professor Meacham is a Founding Member of the IRCC, whose purpose is to advance construction-related regulatory environment issues.


Professor Meacham is a leading global expert on performance-based design for fire, having conducted research in the 1990s upon which guidance in the US is based.