CyberCorps: Scholarship For Service at WPI
The National Science Foundation funds a Scholarship for Service (SFS) program at WPI to grow the nation's pool of qualified cybersecurity workers. Full scholarships (including tuition, fees, and a monthly stipend) are awarded to students whose studies in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, or a related field are focused on cybersecurity. These scholars also receive support in deepening their understanding of security topics and obtaining jobs in the security field. In return for their funding, scholarship recipients work for the government in cybersecurity for summer internships and post-graduation employment. Their period of required service is equal to the number of years they received the scholarship.
Scholars work in a variety of agencies and positions, with options including forensics, network defense, research, and public policy. Scholars' commitment to public service is critical to the integrity of the program, both at WPI and nationally. They must also be willing to reside in the Washington, D.C. area, or another place outside of Massachusetts, for their government employment period. SFS alumni from WPI have taken jobs at the National Security Agency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and other eligible employers. Additional details are below.
SFS Welcomes New Recipients
Seven students were selected in March 2024 to receive the CyberCorps scholarship. Pictured in the front row (L to R) are Ellena Dimitrova (BS ’25), Cynthia Fernandez (MS ’26), and Quentin Hall (BS/MS ’25). In the back row are Thei Riley (BS/MS ‘26), Nathan Amend (BS ’26), and Nick Golparvar (BS ’26). Not pictured: Sapphire Hu (BS ’25). All are majoring in Computer Science and/or Cyber Security. We welcome these students to our SFS cohort!
Program Benefits
Students funded under the program receive the following benefits (while grant funds are available):
- Full-tuition scholarship (2-3 years depending on degree program)
- Annual stipend (for living expenses): $27,000 for undergraduate students and $37,000 for graduate students
- Additional annual funds to reimburse textbooks and professional development (including travel), up to $6,000
- Participation in a targeted job fair and other professional development events for SFS scholars
Students funded under this program incur the following obligations:
- Complete a degree program through a plan of study with a significant focus on security
- Search for and complete security-related government internships during the summers while funded under the program
- Search for and complete employment with the government immediately following graduation -- the period of employment must equal the duration of the scholarship
- Participate in conferences, job fairs, and meetings related to the SFS program
Applicants must be:
- a U.S. citizen
- a rising junior/senior (undergraduate student) or graduate student at WPI (prospective students must have applied separately for admission to Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- pursuing a plan of study at WPI with significant cybersecurity content and a minimum of 2 years remaining to complete their degree
- able to show strong evidence of their ability to obtain a Security Clearance
Evaluation criteria include (but are not limited to) academic qualifications (such as GPA), demonstrated interest in cybersecurity, and eligibility for a U.S. security clearance (required for post-scholarship employment).
How to Apply
A complete application requires the following:
- A resume that includes education, work experience, key skills, honors, and awards
- Contact information for two references, at least one of whom is a faculty member. We do not need letters from your references as part of the application, just their contact information. The application has a space to provide this information.
- Official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended (other than WPI)
- A statement (1-2 pages) describing your experience and interest in cybersecurity, your broader career goals, aspects of government work that do (and do not) interest you, and why are you are applying for this scholarship
- A completed and signed Obligation Acknowledgement Form (PDF)
- A signed and scanned Student Release Form (PDF) - WPI students: (1) fill out the top section only and upload it to your application (do not take it to the Dean's Office); (2) if you attended another college before WPI, fill out the top section of an additional form and send it to that college (they can mail the completed form directly to WPI's SFS program staff at the address below, or return it to you to hand-deliver to our office); (3) you do not need a records release from your high school. Students at other colleges: fill out the top section of the form and give it to your Dean of Students. When it has been completed and signed by the Dean, upload it to your application.
When to Submit
The application closed on February 28, 2025 for scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year.
The next application deadline is: February 28, 2026.
Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.
How to Submit
Click the link below to complete the application process and upload your supporting materials. Be sure to have the following completed and ready for upload before clicking on the application link:
- Resume
- Cybersecurity interest statement
- Signed and scanned Obligation Acknowledgement Form (PDF)
- Signed and scanned Student Release Form (PDF) - see notes under "Requirements," above
Click HERE for the SFS Application.
Official transcripts from other colleges and universities must be sent directly from the school's Registrar, either electronically (via a platform such as Parchment) or by regular mail, to the following address:
Beckley Schowalter
WPI Department of Computer Science
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
Email address: bwschowalter at wpi dot edu
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