Air Force Aerospace Studies

Become a Leader While Taking Your College Experience to the Next Level
Air Force ROTC develops the leaders of tomorrow by preparing students to become officers in the U.S. Air and Space Forces while earning a college degree. In AFROTC, you’ll not only build lifelong friendships, but you may also have the opportunity to pay for school through our scholarship programs. Most importantly, unlike many other college students, you’ll have a rewarding career waiting for you after graduation.
Grow as a Person and a Leader
Developing quality leaders for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force is the mission of WPI’s AFROTC program. Guided by active duty USAF officers, our students build and lead a dedicated cadet corps.
Our cadets focus on specific areas in each year of the program:
- Freshman. Learning about Air Force customs and courtesies.
- Sophomore. Preparing for field training, which is similar to basic training but with a greater emphasis on group leadership development.
- Junior. Applying leadership skills.
- Senior. Leading the cadet wing and making final preparations to become Air Force officers.
Instilling Air Force Core Values
Students in WPI’s AFROTC program learn and live by the core values of the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Space Force.
Integrity first. Integrity is essential. It's the inner voice, the source of self-control, the basis for the trust that is imperative in today's military. It’s about doing the right thing when nobody's looking.
Service before self. Military service is not just another job—it's an uncommon profession that calls for people of uncommon dedication. A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot persuade others to do so.
Excellence in all we do. Our mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national security. The obligation to excel is a moral obligation for members of a professional military force.
A Challenge — and an Opportunity
Learn more about the personal and professional rewards of being part of Air Force ROTC.
Career Opportunities
The Air Force offers training in more than 160 officer career specialties.
Current as of 25 April 24.