Information Technology Division
Computing & Communications Center


STUDENT Printing

Printer Cost/Page Description
ADPLabBandW 10 cents HP LaserJet 4050 (B/W)**
ccc_helpdesk 10 cents HP LaserJet 4250dtn (B/W)**
ccc_helpdesk_color 25 cents HP LaserJet 4600dn **

Note: Transparencies are available on the CCC Lab HP5SI for 35 cents each page and  CCC Lab Color HP4500 for 75 cents each page. 
The price includes the transparency and cost of printing. You must set your paper output tray to manual feed to print a transparency. 
Please contact the CCC Lab Manager at 508-831-5480 for assistance.

UNIX Printing

Printer Cost/Page Command
ADP Postscript Laser Printer** 10 cents lpr -Padp-laser
ADP Line Printer** Free lpr -Padphq

**ADP printers are located in the Fuller Building Room B16

Maintained by itweb
Last modified: Nov 19, 2009, 18:12 UTC
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