Computing & Communications Center


What is Procmail?

Procmail is a mail processing utility, which can help you filter your mail; sort incoming mail according to sender, Subject line, length of message, keywords in the message, etc; and much more.

If you are new to UNIX, you should probably read up on regular expressions (grep/sed/awk/perl etc) and a little on mail handling before attempting to tackle the Procmail manual pages. You can find out more about UNIX at WPI on our Unix pages.

How can I use Procmail?

The Computing and Communications Center has found an excellent web reference on configuring and using Procmail. We recommend using: as a reference for setting up and using Procmail.

If you need further help with configuring Procmail please login to one of the CCC UNIX servers, such as via SSH and type man Procmail. As always, please feel free to contact CCC Helpdesk at with any questions.

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Last modified: Feb 14, 2012, 22:16 UTC
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