Ph.D., Consumer Behavior, Purdue University
B.S., Chemical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University

Being an educator is more than just distributing facts and figures; it's demonstrating the importance of this knowledge in a way that can be relevant for every learner. It's not truly knowledge until the student can grasp and apply it. I consider myself to be an advocate for knowledge - encouraging learning and providing the tools needed to be successful and independent thinkers. I take any opportunity possible to introduce new technologies and social networking behaviors that I feel are relevant into my daily classroom activities. My existence in the classroom is a partnership with the students. By no means am I an expert, making sure that my students are aware that we are all learning together. We are all contributors to this great process of learning and I hope that in my classroom, students actively participate in this ideology.

Visit Digital WPI to see student research and projects Professor Hall-Phillips has advised or contributed to.

Ph.D., Consumer Behavior, Purdue University
B.S., Chemical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University

Being an educator is more than just distributing facts and figures; it's demonstrating the importance of this knowledge in a way that can be relevant for every learner. It's not truly knowledge until the student can grasp and apply it. I consider myself to be an advocate for knowledge - encouraging learning and providing the tools needed to be successful and independent thinkers. I take any opportunity possible to introduce new technologies and social networking behaviors that I feel are relevant into my daily classroom activities. My existence in the classroom is a partnership with the students. By no means am I an expert, making sure that my students are aware that we are all learning together. We are all contributors to this great process of learning and I hope that in my classroom, students actively participate in this ideology.

Visit Digital WPI to see student research and projects Professor Hall-Phillips has advised or contributed to.

Washburn Shops, 209
Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being

SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Preview Good Health & Well-Being Goal

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

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SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Preview Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Preview Responsible Consumption and Production Goal

Scholarly Work

Loyalty to Social Ventures in Social Media: The Role of Social Cause Involvement, Identification, and Commitment 2016

The influence of entrepreneurial marketing processes and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on community vulnerability, risk and resilience 2016

Who’s behind the screen? Segmenting social venture consumers through social media usage 2016

I (heart) social ventures: Identity and social media engagement 2016


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Diversity in Action
WPI Addresses Unconscious Bias

WPI’s ongoing efforts to prepare students for an increasingly diverse workforce were highlighted in this Diversity in Action article. “Researchers will teach WPI students how to identify and address bias and work in groups in ways that promote equity,” the article stated.
Group hopes to connect, help Central Mass. women of color

The Telegram & Gazette reported on associate professor Adrienne Hall-Phillips of the Foisie Business School being a key player in getting the first Central Massachusetts chapter of The Links, Incorporated, a historic international association of black women. Arts & Humanities Dean Jean King is also a photographed in the article.