Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship

The PPIA Fellowship Program is designed to prepare students, primarily from historically underrepresented groups, for graduate studies in public and/or international affairs and groom them for professional roles in public service. There is an array of opportunities under the Fellowship which span a period of development from the junior year of college to beyond the completion of a graduate degree.
Most persons enter the PPIA Program when then they apply to participate in a summer institute following the junior year of college. Applications are made directly to each institute, and the institutes have separate admissions processes. Persons who are beyond the junior year of college are also invited to apply. The curriculum at all institutes will offer participating students an intensive exposure to topics in economic analysis, quantitative methods, public policy and international affairs. After successfully completing an institute, a PPIA Fellow then is eligible for special financial aid offers from nearly 40 professional graduate schools of public policy, public administration and international affairs.

Academic Level
Field(s) of Study
Social Sciences
Law and Diplomacy
Nomination Required