Concerned About a Student?
Friends can often be the first to notice when someone is experiencing emotional difficulty or is upset, withdrawn, depressed, or exhibiting some other change that seems out of character. If you are concerned about a friend, initiate a conversation. An empathetic, non-judgmental approach can make that person feel cared about. In many cases, your support will be all that’s needed for your friend to move toward a solution.
The Student Development & Counseling Center (SDCC) can help you determine next steps in supporting your friend. Advise your friend to call the SDCC to schedule an appointment. Offer to help make the call or accompany him or her on the first visit. If your friend is reluctant to speak with the SDCC, suggest the self-help resources and online screening tools.
Reporting a Concern
The I'm Concerned About a Student Form is a way to connect to WPI services if you know of a student who’s struggling and needs outreach. The WPI Care Team meets weekly to (confidentially) discuss Care Reports and how to help individual students in need.
Student Support Network
The Student Support Network (SSN) at WPI gives you the skills to help friends in crisis. The six-week training program covers mental and emotional health, how to recognize warning signs and talk about sensitive issues, and more. Participants use role-playing and visualization in order to build their ability to respond effectively when a real emergency happens. Students are encouraged to apply and learn how to help their peers when things get tough.