Matthew L.
An IQP is often called life-changing by WPI students, requiring teams to delve into a problem that matters to real people.
Junior, BS in Mechanical Engineering; BS in Physics


Matthew's team, made up of six students with majors ranging from mechanical engineering to interactive media and game development, worked together to assess the feasibility of Bar Harbor becoming an International Dark Sky Community (IDSC). He and his team compared the ordinances of the town to the mandatory requirements for an IDSC, created a map of businesses that were dark-sky friendly, and gathered information on the current status of the night sky, allowing future teams to help work with the town to continue the process of making Bar Harbor an IDSC.


For Matthew, the most valuable part of his IQP experience was having the opportunity to present the information he and his team gathered in a way that made it imperative for the town of Bar Harbor to act. Thinking through and determining answers for the different reactions they could have received made the experience eye-opening and invaluable.

Preview Matthew L.
Colchester, CT
Project Sponsor
Acadia National Park
Colchester, CT
  • Improving grades as a result of hard work in writing classes.
  • Playing rugby during my sophomore year.
  • Improving grades as a result of hard work in writing classes.
  • Playing rugby during my sophomore year.
  • Spending a few years working for a reputable company while also completing some personal projects.
  • Creating a patent portfolio before selling the patents and working full-time as an inventor.
  • Opening my own company, automating it, and living off the royalties of my inventions.

Weekday Timeline

Timeline Entry
7:00 AM

Wake up and grab breakfast at the dining hall.

8:00 AM

Head back to the house to prepare for the day.

9:00 AM

Hold a team meeting to assign the day’s goals and objectives.

10:00 AM

Break up into our designated groups and head to work.

Start Expanded
12:30 PM

Take a break for lunch. We’d either use the full kitchen back at the house or go out to eat at one of the many restaurants in town.

Weekend Timeline

Timeline Entry
9:00 AM

Wake up and make breakfast.

Start Expanded
9:30 AM


12:00 PM

Return from our hike and head to a restaurant for lunch, or make our own.

6:00 PM

Grab dinner at a restaurant or pick up lobsters from the lobster pound to make our own food, then spend the night with friends.

8:00 PM

Poker nights were a regular occurrence, and we would usually just hang out with friends.

The team assessing the light pollution from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park

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WPI’s project-based curriculum impacted my education by giving me a leg up on other college courses. My education branches closer to real world work than a standard classroom environment. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote