Katelyn Tropeano BS, MS
BS in Business, MS in Business Management


Why did you choose to study at WPI? 

There were many reasons why I chose to study at WPI. The biggest reason was due to the school year being broken up into four terms. I really enjoy only having three classes at a time for seven weeks. Although it may feel like it goes by fast, I find it much easier to manage and focus on only three classes at a time. Additionally, I chose WPI due to their project-based learning. I really enjoy collaborating with peers and found that WPI did a great job in incorporating that into their classes. Furthermore, the school gives all students the ability to travel abroad for their Interactive Qualifying Project. Being able to travel across the world while continuing my studies and not falling behind was a huge reason why I chose this school.

How are you involved with the WPI community? 

I am involved in the Business School Student Advisory Council, Greek life, Rho Lambda, University Advancement Student Philanthropy Ambassadors (SPA), and Society of Women Engineers (SWE).

I have always been very involved in whatever I do, so I knew that I wanted to ensure I got involved on campus when I came to WPI. The first organization that I joined was my sorority, Alpha Phi. The reason why I went through recruitment was because I wanted to gain friendships and opportunities that would support me while I was at WPI. Additionally, within my sorority, I have been able to gain many leadership positions and attend leadership conferences that have helped me grow as a leader and as a student. Joining Greek life gave me the ability to join Rho Lambda. Joining Rho Lambda allowed me to be in a place that brings many Panhellenic leaders from all chapters together.

Last year, I was asked by the dean of The Business School to be on the Business School Student Advisory Council, which has allowed me to give direct feedback and hear about the changes The Business School is doing here on campus. It is truly amazing that the dean takes time out of her day to sit with students, hear their suggestions, and apply them.

I am also involved with University Advancement Student Philanthropy Ambassadors (SPA), which has allowed me to meet donors and express my gratitude. I joined this club because I wanted to be able to personally thank and show the donors of the school how impactful their donations are to students like me.

Lastly, I am a member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Although I am not an engineer, this club has given me many new friends and connections through all their events.

What’s your favorite thing about WPI? 

Some of my favorite things about WPI are the sporting events, professors, and overall campus community. Since coming to WPI, I have been able to attend many sporting events that I have really enjoyed. I love going and supporting classmates and friends. At the games, there are many other students cheering on the team and having a fun time.

I have found that all professors are extremely willing to take time out of their day to either help students academically or professionally. If I am unable to attend an office hour, professors are very understanding and help find a time that works. Also, I have had many explain to me that they are always available for career help as well. They offer to connect me with their network or review my resume.

Additionally, when I walk onto the campus, I am automatically in a better mood. Walking through the quad on a sunny day with students playing spike ball or doing work with friends never fails to put me in a better mood. Furthermore, the events that the campus puts on like homecoming, a big show, or the random food trucks really make me enjoy the school and want to go to campus to see what fun activities and events are going on.

Do you have a faculty or staff mentor? 

Robert Sarnie has been a mentor for me. I had Professor Sarnie recently for the first time in the classroom, but I met him last year while attending a fintech career fair. He is a part of the fintech program at WPI. It was thanks to him that I knew about and attended a Mass Fintech Hub bootcamp. He has been a huge help academically and professionally for me. He has taken time out of his day to look over my resume and meet with me to give me interviewing tips. He has truly made me see the full potential that Fintech has in the future and makes me want to continue with Fintech and jump on every opportunity that will help me grow.

How has WPI’s project-based learning influenced your education? 

My education here at WPI has been influenced by project-based learning in many ways. I think almost everyone in my classes has had at least one project and, most of the time, they are done in groups. That has allowed me to meet and connect with many of my classmates. Additionally, when put into a group, I believe that the project comes out better than if done individually because everyone brings different skills and experience to the group. The projects have also allowed me to work with real companies and startups that have given me great insights in what it takes to run a business, which one day I would like to do.

Preview Katelyn Tropeano
Pembroke, MA
  • Vice President Finance & Housing ‘23 (Alpha Phi)
  • Vice President of Marketing ‘22 (Alpha Phi)
  • Panhellenic Delegate ‘21 (Alpha Phi)
  • Traveling
  • Working out
  • Hanging out with friends and family
Campus Activities
  • Business School Student Advisory Council
  • Greek life (Alpha Phi, Rho Lambda)
  • University Advancement Student Philanthropy Ambassadors (SPA)
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Pembroke, MA
  • Vice President Finance & Housing ‘23 (Alpha Phi)
  • Vice President of Marketing ‘22 (Alpha Phi)
  • Panhellenic Delegate ‘21 (Alpha Phi)
  • Traveling
  • Working out
  • Hanging out with friends and family
Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote
I have found that all professors are extremely willing to take time out of their day to either help students academically or professionally. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote
Timeline Entry
9:00 AM

Wake up and eat breakfast

10:00 AM

First class of the day

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Homework and group meetings

3:00 PM

Work out at the Sports and Rec Center