Edward Flanagan '24
BS in Mechanical Engineering


Eddie recognizes how much he has grown as a student and as an individual during his time at WPI. “When I first started at WPI, I struggled a lot in my classes. Once I started looking for better methods to learn, I discovered better ways to study and how to take full advantage of office hours and WPI's resources. This helped me become a much better student and I got straight A's in my last two terms,” he says.  

Early wake-ups are often the start to his day as an ROTC student. Eddie’s busy days involve ROTC training, classes, labs, and studying. He says, “I've grown greatly as an individual at WPI and am a far better student and athlete than when I first came here.” 

His favorite thing about WPI is its community and he credits the university’s project-based curriculum as helping improve his learning. “Anyone can fit in. There’s such a huge variety of backgrounds and interests that allows you to meet very different people and learn a lot of new ideas,” he says. “Project-based learning has helped me learn so much more about teamwork and engineering than anything in a classroom.” 

For those considering study at WPI, Eddie says, “Talk to all the students at WPI you can. The more people you talk to, the more you can get a real feeling of what life is like at WPI. WPI graduates are great teammates and project leaders and stand out in the community for doing so.” 

After graduation, he wants to continue his involvement with the U.S. Army. Eddie says, “I hope to serve in either the Engineering or Infantry branch and then work in the defense industry after my service.” 

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Needham, MA
  • Dean’s List
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Campus Activities
  • Army ROTC
  • Rugby Team (next year, when team begins practice)
Needham, MA
  • Dean’s List
  • Hiking
  • Soccer
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I've grown greatly as an individual at WPI and am a far better student and athlete than when I first came here. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote