Management Engineering

WPI’s Management Engineering (MGE) major offers the ability to gain depth in management principles while still being able to focus on technical interests. Graduates of this program go on to apply their complex knowledge of management and engineering to design and deliver solutions for manufacturing, product development, and service delivery.

Sample Companies that have Hired WPI Management Engineering Graduates

Agios Pharmaceuticals
Bluefin Technology Partners
BW Kennedy & Co.
Consigli Construction Co. Inc.
CVS Health
Fletcher Tilton Law Firm
Penske Truck Rental
Skanska USA
UTC Aerospace Systems
WDF Inc.

Sample Graduate Schools

Average Starting Salary:
$65,956 (2020)
Learn more about Management Engineering at WPI.
Sample Job Titles:
Electrical Engineer
Software Developer
Software Development Engineer
IT Strategy
Reporting Analyst
Software Engineer
Associate Consultant
Mechanical Engineer I
Manufacturing Engineer
Systems Analyst
Sample Major Qualifying Projects:
Process Improvement at Stacy's Pita Chips
Engineering Geology of Worcester County
BNP Paribas: Symphony Chatbot
Pavement Management Applications in Central Massachusetts
Opportunity in Knowledge Work Environments
WPI Replacement to Kaven Hall: Structural Design

Program Tracking Sheets

The Program Tracking Sheets help WPI students to plan and track progress toward their degree. Academic Advising has created tracking sheets for each major and graduation year.

Career Outcomes & Salary Data

The Career Development Center (CDC) has compiled a list of resources to help you learn about salary expectations and companies that have hired recent graduates, including the Post-Graduation Report for WPI's most recent graduating class.

Student Spotlight

Seyda Usalan '25
Seyda Usalan '25
BS in Management Engineering with concentration in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Seyda pursues endeavors in innovation and entrepreneurship while gaining leadership skills through meaningful project work. [...]

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