Prepare Proposals
All proposals to external sponsors require review and approval by OSP prior to submission. If you are intending to submit a proposal, please Notify us as soon as possible so that we can support your efforts.
We are here to help! Contact your pre-award support person and review the proposal submission deadlines.
Compliance Corner
Important compliance information for a successful proposal.
I want to...
- Apply for a grant / contract / funding
- Register for SciENcv
- Write a Data Management Plan
- Understand Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs:
- Find research development resources and training: Research Solutions Institute (RSI)
Do I have...
- A Sub-Award, Consultant, or Vendor
- A Gift, Grant, or Contracts
- Cost-Share
- Human Subjects or Participants
NSF Proposals
- Register with
- Jan. 2023 NSF PAPPG: Proposal & Award Polices & Procedures Guide
- Personnel Documents
- Disclosures table relating to the Biosketch and Current & Pending Support
- Broader Impacts Information
NIH Proposals
- Register with
- Register with eRA Commons
- SF424(R&R): How to Apply - Application Guides
- Standard Grant Deadlines
- Biographical Sketch: Format pages, Instructions and Samples
- Plan and Budget for Data Management and Sharing
- JIT: Other Support Format