Creating positive change that makes an impact is very important to Blaise (they/he) in both their college and future careers. They say, “I've been able to participate in discussions and committees on various issues facing WPI students, share the student perspective, and propose changes. I've worked on a lot of projects focused on improving the campus experience for LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and other marginalized students and have already seen major changes, like single use bathrooms and eliminating the dead-naming of students in many systems. I've also worked on a lot of campus improvements regarding mental health and it's extremely fulfilling to be part of the changes that students seek.”
They credit the support they have received from staff and faculty mentors as something that has helped them thrive at WPI. They say, “Emily Perlow has always supported me and I'm proud to be able to work with Professor Lewin on the Robotics Engineering (RBE) Diversity Committee to work towards further improvements in the RBE community. Getting hired at the CDC (Career Development Center) was one of the best things that happened to me at WPI. They are such a welcoming and caring group of people and I'm consistently amazed by everything they do for students.” They appreciate the support that the professors provide as well: “I never used to be able to ask for help, but finding out that professors really want to help you succeed gave me the confidence to seek out support. In turn, I’ve been able to truly learn and appreciate the subjects.”
Like many other students, Blaise’s favorite thing about WPI is the people. “From friends and peers, to faculty, staff, and all the furry friends, I've met so many amazing people at WPI who have helped shape me into the person I am today,” They say. “I always feel supported and that no matter what, I'll have someone to talk to and help guide me through the obstacles I face. WPI has been a great place to grow socially, allowing me to meet such a diverse group of people, all with unique perspectives to provide.”
The project-based learning and other aspects of a WPI education has greatly benefitted their studies. “Project-based learning has continued to keep me engaged in my studies and allowed me to see the tangible results of what I've learned,” Blaise says. “It's made me more confident in talking about my skills and experiences to peers, faculty, and staff, and even during job interviews. WPI graduates have been given opportunities and experiences that most students won't get in their college career. Interactive Qualifying Projects, Project-based learning, small class sizes, over 100 clubs, and more means that everyone at WPI will have a unique experience and path that they have the freedom to shape themselves.”
For those considering study at WPI, they say, “You'll find your place—it just takes some time to get into the groove of things. Freshman year, I felt like I had nothing figured out, but by early sophomore year, I was involved in many clubs, organizations, and committees, and knew so many faces on campus.”
After graduation, Blaise hopes to work for Bowery Farming, a company they interned with over the summer. They say, “Bowery is an indoor vertical farming company that grows fresh, tasty, pesticide free leafy greens and delivers them to stores in a day or two, ensuring a high-quality product. Indoor vertical farming saves over 90% of the water that would be used in traditional farming, and all the farms use renewable energy. I love the company's mission as well as all the great people I have met and learned so many things from. I hope to come back and make further impact in working towards democratizing food access.”

- Rho Beta Epsilon – Robotics Engineering Honor Society
- ExxonMobil Engineering Scholar
- Rock Climbing
- Advocating for LGBTQ+
- BIPOC and Women's rights
- Mental Health Awareness
- Career Development Center Peer Advisor
- Student Government Association
- Mental Health Implementation Team - Student Life
- Robotics Engineering Diversity Committee
I wake up, stretch and set a positive mindset for the day
Start of classes for the day
I go to work at the Career Development Center helping students and staff with various tasks
I go climb at the Central Rock Gym with friends
Bedtime after doing some homework