Pronouns: He/Him. As Assistant Director in the Office of Academic Advising, I work with students to help them plan their academic experiences at WPI and to discuss their employment interests and long-term career goals. In addition, I support the Career Development Center in its efforts to educate students and their families about WPI’s Co-operative Education Program (Co-op) as well as the Graduate Admission Office in their efforts to recruit and retain WPI Undergraduates into the university’s Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program (BS/MS).
I have twenty years of experience working in higher education, including stints at community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities, both as a student support professional and classroom instructor. I also have an eclectic work history, including four years active duty in the United States Air Force. My main goal when advising college students is to help them put into focus futures they know are out there for themselves but ones in which they have yet to clearly see. I strive to sharpen their experiences and their visions. Outside of WPI, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, gardening and creative writing.

Palmerino, Gregory. “The Immigrant and the Child at Home: Chiasmus as a Narrative Technique in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Mrs. Sen’s””, Journal of the Short Story in English [Online], 75 | Autumn 2020.
Palmerino, Gregory. "Steinbeck's THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS.” Explicator 62.3 (Spring 2004): 164-167.
Palmerino, Gregory. “Introducing Peer Review.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 35.1 (September 2007): 73.
Palmerino, Gregory. “Teaching Bartleby to Write: Passive Resistance and Technology’s Place in the Composition Classroom.” College English 73.3 (January 2011): 279-298.
Palmerino, Gregory. “Emily Dickinson’s MY LIFE HAD STOOD—A LOADED GUN—.” Explicator 69.2 (Spring 2011): 81-85.
Palmerino, Gregory. “‘This was nature.’ Growing Death and the Necrophilous Character in T. C. Boyle’s ‘Greasy Lake.’” Explicator 75.4 (December 2017): 239-241.
Creative Writing: Poetry
- The New Verse News
- The Ekphrastic Review
- Autumn Sky Poetry Daily
- The Literary Hatchet
- Society of Classical Poets
- The Road Not Taken
- The Lyric
- Light Quarterly
- The Fib Review
- Shot Glass Journal
- Courtland Review
- The Asses of Parnassus
- Amaze: The Cinquain Journal
- International Poetry Review
- Teaching English in the Two-Year College